Remake of COD:Modern Warfare 2 intro to Stoned Keyframe promo

Just like many of you out there, I’m a huge fan of COD:MW2. What amazed me about the game was not only the action of it, but also the intro videoclips for each mission. I was sitting and thinking: wow, guys who made this, how much patience should they have?

At the same time, I was frustrated about my personal blog promo clip. Then “zing!” a thought crossed my head: why not to try and remake several MW2 intro clips my way and use them to promote my blog and myself as a free-lance designer? I re-watched all intros searching for parts I could use, recreated the pieces of interface in Photoshop, imported it to Affter effects and animated the whole deal. This required 4 months of my free time and a lot of patience, but also gave me lots of new experience.

Yeah, one might yell Plagiarist! at me, but let me explain first. No single piece of my promo movie is taken from the original video. I recreated them all. Also, I’m not trying to represent myself as an author of idea, just to show my computer graphics art skills.

Special thanks to: compositor Kestutis Ruzgys (ViPro sound studio) for creating a soundtrack for the clip and voice artist David Seys for an awesome voice-over.

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