Caustik Promo

This piece is a tribute to Pierre Magnol AKA BrightPhoton (formerly Gkaster). It’s somehow a re-creation of their original nano design piece done back in 2009. I’ve always been a fan of their work and admired the creativity and technicity behind this piece. I’ve also always wanted to recreate it as part of my technical experimentations, but without any planning it’s very hard to complete personal pieces. So I set myself a deadline: 8 days, 3 hours per day, GO!
And here it is. It was a fun and tough challenge. I discovered by mistake many new techniques in 3DSMAX and After Effects. Of course I still admire the original piece for the level of detail, the fine animation and sound design. The one i completed still lacks something, but for the time spent on it, i can say i’m satisfied with the result.

For those interrested, i will be making a Making-of shortly and post it on the blog.​blog

// Caustik Promo / Caustik
// Original design(nanodesign) / Pierre Magnol (Bright Photon)

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