New Fusion tutorial site

VFX is a Visual Effects training and tutorial site, dedicated to bringing some of the esoteric concepts of working in high end visual effects down to earth. With a focus on 2D/3D Compositing and Animation, I will walk you through some ideas and concepts that you can apply to a project to give it that extra boost of realism and professionalism.

The focus of this site is on the nitty gritty technical details that you need to be aware of when working as a 2D Compositor. That being said, we will also look at photography, animation, lighting and rendering, and many other topics which, as a compositor, you should be aware of.

I hope that by watching these tutorials, you will also become a more well rounded and versatile artist by improving your skills, and sex life. If after watching all of these tutorials you strike up a conversation with a girl and she melts when you start talking about grain matching, marry her — instantly.

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