my last work Chasing Dreams

your first video does not exist. please fix the link!

Amateur rotoscope movie


I have made an amateur rotoscope movie which I want to share with you. The sound quality is very limited and the camera handling too, but I gave my very best =)

The film has a duration of 7 min and is about drugs and world recognition.

It is dubbed in my native language Swiss, but it provides English subtitles

The link to it on Youtube is:

The link to the film on my website is:
(additional information and downloads)

Thank you very much for your feedback =)


Dark Resurrection VOLUME 0 Trailer

Hi guys,
Here’s the trailer of an Italian Fan Movie directed by Angelo Licata in wich me,Pix Movie Factory,director himself, and other talented italian artists are working on as CG Artists.
It’s a tribute to Star Wars and Alien movies.
The final movie should be ready on April,there’s a lot of post production to do yet.


Official site:

Solstice: Winter Storms 2010/2011 Montage

A montage of the blizzard on December 26, 2010 and winter storm on January 12, 2011 filmed from Long Banch, Manasquan & Hoboken New Jersey, lower east Manhattan and Brooklyn, New York.

Brooklyn & Manasquan footage shot by Jon Edwards with a Canon T2i,
Long Branch & Hoboken footage shot by Dan Zambrano with a Canon 60D,
Manhattan footage shot by Andrew Kennelly with a Canon 5D Mark II.

Editing and music by Jon Edwards.

Wand Duel Short

This is a duel I worked on over Christmas in my spare time. Took about 2 and a half weeks because my laptop stopped charging and I needed to start it on the slowest computer in the world.

Exclusive! “ACE” Teaser Trailer!

Hi Guys, Silverline here :). We are new to this site and would like to post out our new film teaser trailer for everyone to watch 😀

Christopher Austin is a contract killer who works for a Mob force comprised of three men who call themselves ACE. He carries out their hits using his undeniably talented skills of destruction. But as feelings in a relationship grow stronger, his whole life starts to slowly unravel before him. ACE is an action-packed crime drama that focuses on the central conflict of a Hitman who begins to question and doubt his actions when he falls in love with a woman, leading to his slow but ultimate quest for redemption.

Any support/feedback would be excellent! Please be honest when commenting as we believe your thoughts and suggestion can help us improve!

Thank You for taking the time to visit my thread! 🙂

Silverline Production

Neds and a Robot!

Hi there,

Me and my wee brother made this short film at the weekend. I would love to hear your opinions on it



Short movie with Kanye West music theme

A lot of work was put into making this movie. Hope you enjoy.

Need help with Terminator battle scene in short film!

Hey there all I’m doing a short story that envolves a battle scene with a Terminator and a Ki User. Basically someone that can use there chi to enhance there body’s abilities etc.

The scene involves a guy knocking the Terminator across a board walk would like to see the board walk get torn up while the robot flys across it.

I attached a sample video from “Kung Fu Panda” that shows more or less about what I’m wanting.

If anyone has the time to invest the time into this project we do plan on entering it into all of the upcoming film festivals and while we missed Sundance this year we will catch it next year.

For more info on the project:

Of contact me by my email:

Thanks all hope one of you would like to get involved!

Attached Files
File Type: mp4 Tai Lung Kick.mp4 (628.5 KB)

Need some help with Terminator battle!

I’m doing a short film project and have a scene where a person comes flying in from off the screen kicks this Terminator robot across this board walk.

Was wanting to have the boards break and fly as the Terminator goes flying across the screen. Kind of like how Tigress in the movie “Kung Fu Panda” knocks Tai Lung through the boards on the bridge.

With the Terminator falling off the board walk and an explosion of debris.

If this is something anyone can do and is up for helping the project out would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you all for your time!

Here’s the site for the project:

And the fight I was talking about to give example is attached.