Channel 4 Street Summer promo

Update: MPC’s behind-the-scene ‘making of’. Fascinating stuff!

Given the recent riots and looting that’s been plaguing England, I cannot help but post this “Street Summer” promo by Channel 4. MPC London is responsible for the flawless VFX, which is fascinating to watch if you can ignore the highly charged content for a second.

Glancing through the comments on the official YouTube page and also here, I find them to be just as interesting as the video.

Is this inappropriate, done in poor taste? Or is this simply a honest portrayal of the youth culture in Britain now? Does this condone stereotyping or challenge viewers to rethink it? What do you think?

Thanks to Zinnia for the nudge, and our hearts go out to U.K. residents affected by the riots.


Posted on Motionographer



The glorious menace of PIXAÇÃO has been disseminating through the streets of Sao Paolo for decades, leaving the whole population to feel as if they are living in Suicidal Tendencies’ band room. These videos capture the primitive form of graffiti as it lives now while giving a little back story of how it derived over the years from heavy metal imagery, barbarian alphabets, and pissed off favelans wanting to ram a paint can into the faces of the upper class. Thanks to Cool Hunting for putting this together.

Click here to view the embedded video.

Click here to view the embedded video.