Gabe Askew: Grizzly Bear “Two Weeks” (Unofficial)

Taking a break from his day job in architectural visualization, Gabe Askew’s fan video for Grizzly Bear’s “Two Weeks” goes in an entirely different direction from the official video directed by Patrick Daughters (embedded after the jump).

Gabe’s 2.5D opus is a delightful journey through countless faux analogue dioramas inhabited by paper-mâché-like creatures and flattened illustrations dangling from the proscenium. Gabe nimbly avoids the “say cow, see cow” approach, instead opting for metaphorical devices that mix naturalistic imagery with human forms gliding, battling and embracing throughout myriad environments.

Thanks for the tips, Jostein Finnekasa and Jeffrey Zablotny!

Posted on Motionographer

La pelle splendida

Ed ancora una volta torniamo su Patrick Daughters. Come non soffermarsi sui suoi lavori? Dopo la scarica adrenalinica cinematografica di Wrong (Depeche Mode) e l’universo bellico di No One Does it Like You (Department of Eagles) eccolo alle prese con Two Weeks, singolo di presentazione del nuovo album dei Grizzly Bear: Veckatimest (Warp Records). Atmosfere mistiche, rivelazioni, pelle splendida, sorrisi smaglianti. Un piccolo capolavoro.


Articolo redatto da Didier Falzone