The Art and Science of Digital compositing. And Digital Compositing for Film and Video.
Both books are awesome reference guides. Both books are big and heavy. It’s a pain to carry them around, but many times I need a quick reference or refresher while at work.
And while I own both books, I would almost be tempted to purchase a digital version if they are ever available for the ipad (I dont’ own one, but if I did I would most definitely carry those books around if I had the choice).
So question to everyone who owns a kindle or kindle compatible device. Have you tried either of the digital versions? It almost seems like a waste to reduce those color images to e-ink, which I why I think the iPad screen would be so much better.
Would you consider purchasing that book a second time to be able to carry it around easily in digital format? Is it even fair to ask us to purchase it a second time?
Personally I would love to carry these books around with me at all times. But buying the same book twice seems to go against everything I stand for. But these are new times, and the ability to carry these books around seems invaluable.
Or maybe you just leave it at your desk at work the whole time? I don’t know. I keep my copy at home, because that is where I’m most likely going to read it through. But it’s at work where I need to reference it.
Your thoughts?