Socal VFX Job Twitter

Hey all,

I put this together, not sure if it’s been done but it might come in handy for some of you..

It’s an aggregation of multiple websites job postings from the Hollywood, LA, Socal area.

It’s not perfect, for example one of the postings is from Vancouver but they say Hollywood so it pops up.

It aggregates the following sites:
Craigslist (Gigs & Jobs sections, filtering by keyword)

I am working on getting job boards on there, but if you have any other requests, let me know.

Any advice for a student who’s going on an internship this summer?

So I’ll be doing an internship this summer…. Does anyone have any good advice on how to take (further) advantage of this opportunity?


Bourne Ultimatum like Effect

I need to create some flashback effect like BOURNEULTIMATUM movie’s effect. Which filter will help me with it. I have two choice FUSION & AE.

sugg please.

In search of a commercial

Does anyone remember this commercial (I think its by HP or Sony?) where the starting is the street view and its all olden times like sherlock holmes kind of feel and people walking in the streets and then this old classic car was driving along and it transforms to a new car and the streets all transform back to new modern day. then someone walks out and drives away. I am searching for it but I cant find whats the title or name.


i need basic rotoscoping tutorials,i am doing roto from past 1 month,but i am getting jittering very much- anybody plz help me

Digital versions of the two compositing books?

The Art and Science of Digital compositing. And Digital Compositing for Film and Video.

Both books are awesome reference guides. Both books are big and heavy. It’s a pain to carry them around, but many times I need a quick reference or refresher while at work.

And while I own both books, I would almost be tempted to purchase a digital version if they are ever available for the ipad (I dont’ own one, but if I did I would most definitely carry those books around if I had the choice).

So question to everyone who owns a kindle or kindle compatible device. Have you tried either of the digital versions? It almost seems like a waste to reduce those color images to e-ink, which I why I think the iPad screen would be so much better.

Would you consider purchasing that book a second time to be able to carry it around easily in digital format? Is it even fair to ask us to purchase it a second time?

Personally I would love to carry these books around with me at all times. But buying the same book twice seems to go against everything I stand for. But these are new times, and the ability to carry these books around seems invaluable.

Or maybe you just leave it at your desk at work the whole time? I don’t know. I keep my copy at home, because that is where I’m most likely going to read it through. But it’s at work where I need to reference it.

Your thoughts?

Any Gnomon students or alumni?

I’m interested in applying to the Gnomon Visual Effects School, and was wondering if I could perhaps ask a few questions about this particular institution.

Gnomon School Question

Hi guys,

I’m 28 years old with a bachelor of science degree in computer science from Johns Hopkins University. I’ve been in the finance industry for the past years, but I am really thinking of pursuing a career in Visual Effects.

Just earlier, I was looking for a reputable school to enroll into and came across Gnomon. However, upon reviewing their application I must say i’m a bit discouraged. From what i’ve seen from their web site, it seems to be one of the best if not the best school for learning about Visual Effects. However, their application asks for portfolio- and being someone with no art background or experience with digital imaging, i can’t really come up with a portfolio to even send in with the application. 🙁

Does this school only accept art students or people that have already had some experience? Is there a possibility of me getting into this school at all?

"Decisions are based on a student’s application form, portfolio review and interview with the admissions department. Students are informed of decisions within two weeks after a their application is received. Portfolios should include 10 – 15 pieces in either digital or hardcopy format. Applicants must have a high school diploma or equivalent. Applications are accepted on an on-going basis. Students may begin this program every quarter."

Anyway, if anyone is involved with Gnomschool of visual effects (past or present) can shed some light on the subject or perhaps help me understand their acceptance requirement, i would greatly appreciate it.

-kind regards,

Nuke/Fusion for a student demoreel

Hi everyone,
I’m pretty new around here and I guess i’ll find a good stay :).
My name is Alexandre from France and I’m finishing my last year in ArtFX, vfx school.
Me and two friends are doing a short movie which is called Huracan. It’s a kind of music video with a mayan dancer in a 3d environnement. It was shot on green screen with a Red One and eveything is composited in Fusion 6.

I’m currently making my demoreel with the goal to find a compositing job in London, and I’ve saw that a lot of studios here uses Nuke.
Fact is that I know how to use that software, but all the shots on my reel will be featuring a Fusion logo.

So my question is, is it really important to have some things done in Nuke or is it sufficient to have those things in Fusion ?

I hope I was clear, and I thanks everyone in advance for possible answers.
Have a nice day !

Who is going to see Iron Man 2?

From what I saw in trailers and other spots it looks VERY impressive.

Going on the premiere here in Belgium the 28th April

What you think guys?

srry for my English