interesting read

Hi, Came across the following text on the interweb…

"Computer-generated imagery (CGI), often incorrectly referred to as Animation in India, is the application of 3D computer graphics to special effects in films, television programs, commercials, and printed media. Video games usually use real-time computer graphics (rarely referred to as CGI), but may also include pre-rendered "cut scenes" and intro movies (or FMVs–full motion videos) that would be typical CGI applications.

CGI is used for visual effects because computer generated effects are more controllable than other more physically based processes, such as constructing miniatures for effects shots or hiring extras for crowd scenes, and because it allows the creation of images that would not be feasible using any other technology. It can also allow a single graphic artist to produce such content without the use of actors, expensive set pieces, or props.

3D computer graphics softwares such as Autodesk’s Maya is used to make computer-generated imagery for movies, advertisements, etc. Recent availability of CGI software and increased computer speeds have allowed individual artists and small companies to produce professional grade films, games, and fine art from their home computers. This has brought about an Internet subculture with its own set of global celebrities, clichés, and technical vocabulary."

What I understand from this is that Animation is a subset of Visual Effects. IS VFX truly the bigger picture? (pun intended)

Comments, anyone?

interesting article

Digital Compositing for Film and Video 3rd edition is out

Just noticed Steve Wright’s Digital Compositing for Film and Video 3rd edition is out, riveting read, for beginners and pro’s alike.…tt_at_ep_dpt_2

For those in europe :…/dp/024081309X

If this has been mentioned before ignore this post.

New visual effects package design

Mewa Film is a project that started some time ago with the aim to create a innovative visual effects package.

We are now elaborating a new design for Mewa Film, and we decided to make the design process open to everyone, so that anybody can collaborate with ideas, add their favourite features from existing solutions, anything.

Below is a link to a shared google doc (so that you can edit the document itself) with a initial sketch.…v6hMAxfM&hl=en

… and feel free to ask any question 🙂

HD to SD – What format is good to use ?

I’ve got some tedious market research editing to do, and the client wants the footage on a DVD.
It doesn’t need to be in HD, so for hard drive space, I’d rather convert it now to SD but in a format that still retains reasonable quality, and edit from there.

What format could be good to use with Premiere Pro CS4/CS5 (trying not to use CS5 due to lack of plugs that I may need).

supercheater detector

hi guys:
Posted this a few days ago.

Funny but true:…ater-detector/

Los Angeles Area Shindig

So, I had fun meeting folks at the get together we did in April. As far as I know, a good time was had by all. So, I figure we should do it again.

I’m kicking off this thread with a poll. What day of the week would you like the next meetup to happen? I know there were some people in the thread for the last one who expressed interest, but weren’t able to make it. So, if you weren’t able to make it to the last one, definitely cast your vote for what day would work best for you.

Does volunteering in Siggraph help one get a job in VFX?

…serving in a Student Volunteer position, for example. Does it?

Voodoo Camera Tracker

I am downloading Voodoo 3D tracker and was wondering if it is any good? It’s free so I am assuming it’s alright but for any of you who have used it before, what do you guys think of it?

Vimeo problem FIXED!


In some threads the vimeo videos don’t play. You only see the animated vimeo logo. I contacted vimeo and they said it had to do with the embed code. The Vimeo embed option on this forum gives the problems.

So instead of using [ VIMEO][/ VIMEO] you have to go to your vimeo video and click on the embed button. It will give you the code and you have to paste that in you’re post.
