Got a Job as a Nuke Compositor Need Help with Salary and how much I should Ask for?

Need some suggestions.

I been in talks with a VFX studio about a job opening. Had the interview last week and pretty much got the job. He asked me to send my Salary requirements to him and another lady at the Company. But the thing is Not sure how much to ask for.

The Job is a Nuke Compositing job, and also doing 2D to Stereoscopic in Nuke. Its contract work on two very big Feature films and the contract would go through May then most likely be extended to November. Then with the chance of staying on for a another year +.

All work is on site and in studio due to the nature of the projects I would be working on. 10 hour days Monday – Friday.

How much should I ask for? I would have to move up there to take the job. Any suggestions? Its very hard to find out what Nuke Compositors make. btw The job is in located in Michigan.

Where are they now?

Where are they (ex-VFXTalkers) now?

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cannon fireball

actually I wnt to make cannon fireball in maya fluids so plz anybody help me how to do cannon fireball?????????


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Best approach for particle FX (via bird wings)

Hello all,
I have a question regarding the best approach on generating a particle effect from the wings of a crow. Here’s the scenario in a nutshell. Ultimately, I would love to have the style of effect that is portrayed in Harry Potter with the death eaters (a type of cloth particle that is airy and black).
I’ve been working in the field for approx. 8 yrs and I’m a bit stumped on what my best bet would be on this effect. In short, I need the bird to be perched on a branch, then begins flight away from camera. Now I would like to have the effect happen as the wings come up, then particles generate off the bird and into thin air.
My platforms are Cinema 4D, After Effects and Realflow, but i’ve never needed to attempt something of this nature. Any advice or input would be appreciated. Cheers and thanks in advance, Andy

Chinese Characters

Hi folks, I’m currently working on a project that involves Chinese characters (hanzi) within some of the graphics. I am trying to find a work around to being able to do them as Write-On style. There will be lots of characters to do and heres the bummer each character will have to be done seperatly, its not possible as it would be in English to render the whole alphabet then swap letters around to make words (except where the same character is used of course ) the chinese ‘alphabet’ has about 4 thousand characters of which about 450 I will need to do . And to complicate things even more the order of the strokes which make up the character (sometimes a many as 12 but on average about 7 or 8) has to follow the rules of chinese writing,which say what strokes are written first and which follow.
You get the idea of the size of the task. I was thinking along the lines of chinese fonts and doing a reveal with masks but again the stroke order on a significant number of characters means it wouldnt work. Perhaps I could use that technique for the ones that could be done but Im still stuck with the rest. Im hoping someone can come up with a workable suggestion as the alternative is doing them stroke by stroke character by character with Paint in Digital Fusion and Chinese caligraphy is an art withing itself and im not sure I could learn in a week or two what the Chinese take years to master.
Should mention its a 2D job.
Any Chinese members come across this before? Any ideas, experience ??