how to hide knob using tcl

Hi, can anyone help me , how to hide knob using tcl (without involving python)? i found this code :


knob [group_knob] 0

but this is not i want, this script only hiding the knob inside the collapsed group_knob. So i want to be able to hide it like python .setVisible() does. Is it possible using pure TCL ?


Steresocopic differences…

Hello everyone,
I’m starting to make some stereoscopic works and I would like to know if someone could give an information about the differences in doing the stereoscopic effect in post production like in Nuke or i a 3D package like Maya.
What are the main differences and wheres the best place to do it, besides real life shooting. Hope some can give any information about this.

labeling transform handles in viewer?


anyone an idea if there is a way to show sth like a little label with the name of the tool directly inside the viewer, e.g.besides its transform jack?? sometimes if opening up three Beziers and 5 transforms it´s hard to decide which one you wanna grab and move.
i know about changing the color, but im fed of :), an automatic label would be more comfortable…
setting, script or similar?

thanks a lot….

rpf reader error

Hey guys,
I am trying to load a rpf sequence but it giving me error that no rpfreader found.. any suggestion to deal with it.

Keying and channel masks

Hi VFX Talk peeps!

I’m working on a green screen key and have done various mattes that I have put into channels for hair, objects in the scene that have more green spill etc.

(I’m working in Nuke 6.)

Now I am wondering why only Primatte is the only big keyer that offers the option to bring in nuke channels as masks?

Both Keylight and IBK don’t have a mask option, though keylight does have an alpha mask option its not as poweful as using a nuke channel so the question is why not?:confused::confused::confused:


nuke camera tracker

hi, I solve a camera and inserted a card i my scene and it s all working pretty well, but now I realise that instead of having my camera moving, I want my card to move because I want to apply some light reflection on it…For some reason I cant get to this result, anyone could help me???

Lightwrap inside of Nuke 3d-scene?

hey folks,

i just tried to apply the lightwrap-node inside of a 3d-comp, by using an FG-card with alpha for the edge and a BG-card for the light"content".
nuke allows you to plug the A and B into 3D material or card/geo nodes. but -of course- without ability to connect it to the scene it should not work.

so, is there a way to do it in 3D or do i have to take a seperate scanline-renderer to apply the wrap later on?


Z key for Bezier points

In Nuke6.1: did anyone notice that the z key for smoothing bezier points is not working anymore as it did in previous versions? Z still makes the point smooth, but subsequent key presses dont lengthen the handles anymore 🙁
Is the Foundry trying to make us use the new roto tool instead? 😉 I like the old beziers much more.

Keying_Hair Correction

Hello All,

I’m having a bit of trouble with the IBK. The problem is getting hair to come out smoothly on the edges. I attached a screen shot of the footage that I’m keying and my nuke script. I’m using a mask on the right side of her hair which is helping but not that much. If anyone has any ideas on how to get the key right please, LET ME KNOW!


Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen shot 2010-09-29 at 9.02.44 PM.png
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ID:	10597

Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen shot 2010-09-29 at 9.02.57 PM.png
Views:	N/A
Size:	1.19 MB
ID:	10598

Help with command line renders

I’m relatively new to Nuke and have been experimenting with command line rendering. All’s been good until my most recent project where when I execute, I get a ‘segmentation fault’ and then a dialog saying Nuke has crashed. I have no idea how to start diagnosing the problem and I’d really appreciate a hand.

Also, does anyone know if it’s possible render across multiple machines just with the command line?
