Nuke output through quadro sdi

I m looking for a way to sent the output of nuke viewer through my quadro sdi card
Any help is greatly appreciated
thanks in advance

disable a node based “on Error”

Hey, essentially I am trying to figure out error trapping via nukes expressions.

If I have a gizmo with three inputs, and I am pulling values via expressions from input3, then I disconnect input three, instead of a value I see the word ERROR. So I am assuming there should be a way to say:

If ERROR then change the value here.

I want to use this to disable nodes if certain pipes aren’t connected, and/or flip a switch on a switch node.


Referencing nodes values out side of a gizmo

Quick question. If I want to get, say, the position.x value from a transform node (for arguments sake "Transform1") piped into input1 of a gizmo I created, how can I do it without writing "Transform1.position.x"

What I want to say is get the value from whatever Transform node is plugged into Input1.

I have tried Input1.position.x but the input node does not seem to inherit the value from what is plugged in to it.



Convert new Roto node data to old RotoPaint?


I have a script with a ton of new Roto nodes and I’m wondering if I can convert the data into old RotoPaint nodes. I only have access to an older version of Nuke right now which is why the Roto nodes won’t load.


7D DSLR Video to RGB Images

I’ve had a bit of a search here but can’t find the answer, so far.

I’m trying to get 8bit .png or .tiff image sequences out of Nuke from Canon 7D video using a simple node setup, read, colorspace, write.

But I get an overly bright output, not blown just over bright imo.

Input colorspace I’ve set to Rec709, sRGB primaries, D65 WP

Output colorspace set to sRGB.

I see no control of luma, such as ensuring I get full swing Rec709. I don’t want restricted range then expanded to fuil after, that would give me overly bright washed out look I think I see.

BT601 sources? Do you use 709?

Any advice?

Linux 64bit

Red Mysterium x Color Workflow Nuke

Hello I have R3D footage shot on the RedOne Mysterium X camera.
Read in to Nuke using the default settings based on the R3D meta data.

This image appears very flat and dark?

The same R3D footage read into redcine or aftereffects looks correct (as displayed on the RedOne monitor).

These color shifts obviously make it very difficult to work in both compositing packages.
Any Ideas?

thanks warn 😮

Import Shake’s rotoshape to Nuke

Hi, I would like to know if there is any script to import rotoshapes form shake to Nuke.

If not, is there any workaround to import them?


Nuke VS Fusion vectorblur

Hi. I am doing small research about vectorblur in Nuke. I have to admit, I am bit confused. I don’t know what I am doing wrong, but vectorblur by Nuke has problem with bluring object in front of none moving objects. I have tried do make a comparison between Fusion native vector blur, Nuke vector blur and Realsmart vector blur. Realsmart works as same as Nuke. But between Nuke and Fusion is dramatical different. Fusion knows nice blur object in front of none moving object and whole vectorblur looks nicer than Nuke vectorblur.

I have read about that problem "bluring objectc in front of none moving objects" on the realsmart web page. They recommend create a mask for that object and blur that in separated layer. But why is it possible, that Fusion knows this without any separation of objects to layers?? Just click, click and done… And on the top of it, sometimes is quite hard to separate object to new layer, like my plant on one of those renderings.

Pictures with blue sky were done by Nuke
Pictures with white sky were done by Fusion
I used separated files, png 16 bits for RGB and Velocity channel. Rendered by Vray.

Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version

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Views:	N/A
Size:	89.6 KB
ID:	10879

Click image for larger version

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Size:	72.8 KB
ID:	10880

Click image for larger version

Name:	box_nuke.jpg
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Size:	20.3 KB
ID:	10881

Click image for larger version

Name:	box_fusion0000.jpg
Views:	N/A
Size:	10.2 KB
ID:	10882

Click image for larger version

Name:	nuke-125.jpg
Views:	N/A
Size:	126.4 KB
ID:	10883

Click image for larger version

Name:	nuke-155.jpg
Views:	N/A
Size:	106.5 KB
ID:	10884

30i to 60p


I have a 30fps, interlaced NTSC sequence, and i want to use all the fields. So I’m trying to generate a frame from every field: from a 30 frames interlaced sequence to a 60 frames progressive sequence

I duplicate the frames with Retime and use the FieldSelect node to separate each field, then I put each field together, one field after the other, using a switch and a simple expression (!fmod(frame,2)). I also make a slight translate of 0.5 pixel for the odd frames to avoid a slight jump between even and odd frames. Then i reformat with no filtering
(see nuke script below)

I’ve downloaded the DFielder Gizmo, that allows to do a Fields to Frame separation. I expand the group and I can see that it uses a TimeWarp and a FrameRange node before deinterlacing, but i’m not able to reproduce that solution.

What is the best solution? Should i use the Defield node from the Tinder Genarts, or generate the 60 frames outside of Nuke?

Thanks for any suggestion,


set cut_paste_input [stack 0]
version 6.1 v2
Read {
inputs 0
format "720 486 0 0 720 486 1 "
last 129
name Read1
selected true
xpos -422
ypos -302
Retime {
input.last 129
output.last 258
speed 0.5
name Retime1
selected true
xpos -422
ypos -203
set N1b9ce540 [stack 0]
FieldSelect {
name FieldSelect_Odd
selected true
xpos -344
ypos -136
Transform {
translate {0 -0.5}
center {360 121.5}
name Transform1
selected true
xpos -344
ypos -112
push $N1b9ce540
FieldSelect {
field Even
name FieldSelect_Even
selected true
xpos -476
ypos -136
Switch {
inputs 2
which {{!fmod(frame,2)}}
name Switch1
selected true
xpos -412
ypos -59
Reformat {
format "720 486 0 0 720 486 1 "
resize distort
filter Impulse
name Reformat3
selected true
xpos -412
ypos 2
Viewer {
frame 80
frame_range 1-300
fps 59.94
input_process false
name Viewer1
selected true
xpos -412
ypos 49

Stereo Viewer / Nvidia Graphics Cards


On a workstation — which was using an NVidia Quadro FX 3800
graphics card — I’ve been able to view OpenGL stereo through
the Stereo option in the Viewer.

I’m now trying to find a laptop which uses a mobile graphics card
that supports OpenGL stereo viewing. On paper, it looks like
the Quadro FX 2800m graphics card will work — has anyone
tried viewing in stereo with this card?

In addition, I’ve also been looking into the NVidia GTX 460m
card. It’s a highly rated card and supports OpenGL. However,
it’s not a "Quadro" card. To support OpenGL stereo, does Nuke
specifically look for the "Quadro" signature or does it evaluate
the card in another way? Has anyone used a GTX card to view
OpenGL stereo in Nuke?

Thanks very much.
