python sciprts working in nuke 6.1 v1 and not in v3

i have a file "" in which i have simply put my functions / defs like

Quote: file sample
def q3d():
print ("hi")
def q2d():
print ("wi")


then in file, i used to
1- import myLib
2- mcMenu.addCommand(‘scripts/hi’,’lmLib.q3d()’,’+P’)

and it used to work …..
now when i update to nuke 6.1, v3
it says, "myLib" is not valid module…

any ideas, how to fix this…will be of great help..
huge thanks in advance..

integrating new 2d objects to final stereo shots

hey guys,

converting a complete 2d shot to 3d shot in nuke works very well for me, but i’m really a little bit confused about this:

i already got stereo footage (shot in stereo), but now i have to add in this stereo scene for example a airplane which should be integrated in the final stereo shot.

so i am setting up as usual my stereo views and now i got a read node for the left image sequence and one for the right image sequence.

would this the right approach?
– join the views
– project them on a card
– create a complete new zdepth
– displace them to add my new 3d object into it
– set up a new stereo rig to match both and reshoot it in nuke

i would like to avoid splitting my final stereo shot and shot again with a new stereo rig only to place my object in this scene.

how do you solve this? with stereo 3d tracking? or any better workarounds? :confused:

thank you guys

Relight Node in NuKe???

just want to know what is the purpose of relight node?? can anyone suggest any tutorials or links???:confused:

>> Gizmo better than Groups ?


Why every body wants to work with Gizmo, and not with Groups, what’s so nice in it ?

Thanks, I’m really curious about that.

Error message: layer mask: mask.alpha already at index 1 instead of 0

Does anyone know what this means:

layer mask: mask.alpha already at index 1 instead of 0

It started popping up when I used a Copy node to copy an alpha from the A input to the mask.a of the output (B input has rgba). I did this because I wanted to render out one set rgb and two alpha’s to exr.

Everything works just fine (including network renders), but the error message confuses me.


python panel list

I would like to create a list knob in a panel.
I am using the nukescripts.PythonPanel Class; Looking in the python api doc I found most knob type but none is doing what I want.

I would like to have a list similar to the file list in file open/save the browser where I can multi-select elements.


Dark Greenscreen keying problem

Im working on a project with a very bad screen setup. My problem is the dark green behind the lead actor. Any tips on how to pull a key off this? IBK gives me a dark fringe. Keylight works ok but still not good enough?

Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version

Name:	EndShot.jpg
Views:	N/A
Size:	414.8 KB
ID:	10966

Weird GUI behavior, possibly a bug?

I am using a python function in an expression, something like this:


def printEval():
    print 'evaluating expression'
    return 1

n = nuke.nodes.Constant()
n['color'].setExpression('[python printEval()]')

it seems to work fine, however there is an issue with the GUI. When I first create the node, then assign my expression and then double click that node to open the properties. It appears that it calls my expression thousands of times. ‘evaluating expression’ got printed 7,652 times — insane. Echo python calls is off. It only happens on the first time I double click the node. So if I create the node, double click it, get the properties, then assign my expression and then click the node, it only gets called once, like it should. Is this a bug? It seems really weird that it would evaluate the expression thousands of times… weird behavior?. I was able to replicate this on a coworkers machine and in Nuke5.2 as well. If this is not a bug and I’m just misusing nuke is some way, is there a way to turn this off? or a proper way to call a python function as an expression?

I’m trying to do a gizmo so by default I want the expression there. Also my gizmo is getting the values of a number of pixels using node.sample(). This means that if my function gets called 7,652 times im never going to see the result…

I was trying to see if anyone had similar issues and I found this post:…080&highlight=[python+expression

seems exactly the same problem.

Offset nightmares

Hi all,
After doing extensive roto work, tracking & keying, I just discovered that my scene (frame 1-300) was wrong. The starting frame was cut off by 40 frames.
Of course it couldn’t been short at the end of the clip (not my luck)
It was cut off at the begining.

So my new timeline at the moment is { -40 – 300 }
I do not want to render out -40 to 300 I want it to be frame 1- 340

How to I offset 20 roto nodes, 8 trackers node, and god know what else?

Do I have to select each node seperately and offset them in the curve editor?

is there an easy way to offset my entire trackers & rotos??


Denoise/Degrain software help


i am looking into trying out some different de-noise/grain removal software. i currently use neat video which works a treat but i’m interested to know of anyone else’s thoughts on any other softwares that are available. i mainly work in nuke/fusion so something thats a plug-in for these would be really great (aside from neat video!).

thanks for your help 😮