Rotopaint: Missing input channel

hope this question isn’t too stupid. I’ve been following this tutorial (…-effects-users) about nuke and tried to add a mask to my scanline render (trying to add a mask to my 3d object flying around a corner for 3 days now. here is his setup)

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance

nuke crash when watching fbx-geo in 2d viewer

hey guys,

i´ve got a finedetailed fbx-geo in my 3d-scene. everything is ok as long as watching/modifying it in the 3d-viewer. but in the moment i view the scanlinerenderer and switch the viewer to 2d, nuke closes immediately!!
it does not happen with other geos in the comp(a little less complex ones). but i think my machine shoulf be strong enough for that.

i tried to modify several viewer setting, readgeo-node settings or scanlinerenderer settings, as well as rebuilding a new comp from scratch with only this geo. all the same 🙁

any ideas?


btw, i´m running Nuke 6.1v3,
my machine is quadcore q9000,
8 gigs Ram,
nvidia quadro fx 2700 mobile

MARI is Coming to LA, Dec 1st

A little off topic but those of you using Nuke who want to see Mari come see our event in LA. The potential for using it for Matte Painting with it and Nuke are looking better with each release.

1 December 2010, 7pm to 9.30pm (registration starts at 6pm)

Ben Kitay Studios | Stage 15 – Gnomon School of VFX, 1015 Chauenga Blvd, Hollywood, 90038

REGISTER NOW…-coming-to-la/

steadychan import from cinema 4d

Hey all,

In the past I’ve used the steadychan plugin in C4D to export my camera animation to nuke. But since Nuke 6.1v3 it stopped importing the file in the correct way. The cam is placed at 0,0,0 and there’s no animation imported…

Anybody know what’s going on?


Stereoscopic guidelines in Nuke?

Hi All,

Just playing around with the 3d/stereoscopic system in nuke and one thing that struck me is there doesn’t seem to be any guidelines as to how far each card should be away from another card in 3d space or when the geometry should be a model or a flat card.

In this video here I see the guy demo the movie Avatar in Nuke yet (correct me if I’m wrong) it looks like all the cards are placed as an artisitc/design decision rather then a technical one:…detv-ep082.m4v

Surely there are some rules/guidelines/standards as to where in 3d space everything should be?

I’ve also attached a screenshot of a test scene I am playing around with in Nuke how do I know if I’ve got the 3d space distance right?

Thanks in advance for your answers,:happydevi

Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version

Name:	stereo.jpg
Views:	N/A
Size:	258.8 KB
ID:	11029

color spaces question

hallo all
i have an image in .dpx format

My question #1 – is it possible to find in which color space it was stored if i do not have this information from DI guy?

(it is not cineon for sure, srgb looks almost ok, but rec709 looks "better" probably this is it, but maybe….. )- i am seek of guessing, maybe there is some solution?

question #2: Viewer Process on my monitor is set by default to sRGB – and it works great for me, in which cases should i change it to none or to rec709? (one example will be enough 🙂
Thanks for help

French keyboard and nuke.

On AZERTY keyboards, holding the Shift button is needed to type a number. It’s a problem in nuke, to connect a node to a viewer, and then to switch between inputs in the viewer.
The solution I found was to press CapsLock when I’m working with nuke, but it’s quite annoying.
Is it possible to change the keyboard shortcuts by modifying the file?… or any better solution than getting a qwerty keyboard?


how to manage ID of array of nodes

Hi, i’m creating a gizmo to draw marks (small crossmark) over the bg image , there’s ‘add’ button where the function is to spawn a new node(or mark) inside my gizmo – not at gizmo level (and the ‘mark’ is just my other simple gizmo for drawing a small cross mark) , so speak to the point , every single click of the ‘add’ buton will spawn a new node/mark and user can re-position it later. I probably end up with about 25 marks roughly. Every of these new mark have a unique ID to be tracked , and as for the naming, i’m using python to format it to make something like : mark_id0000 , mark_id0001, etc. And i add ‘delete’ button as well, so user can delete unused node/mark later. If anyone has experience in this kind of gizmo creation, my questions are :

1. what is the best workflow for managing ID for array of node, like mine , the total number of the new node to be spawned is roughly about 8-35, but i don’t limit it so user may add more (as i’m using 4 digits – it might handle thousands : 0000 – 9999), but anyway i have no problem to change to 2 digit padding (00-99) coz i really don’t need that much, it’s just my first design 🙂 . So I managed to bind the #ID to its name (id0000,id0001….etc). Is it more convenient this way , or better create a knob to hold the ID? so for every single node i spawn, i need to add new ie: integer knob to hold ID ? Is binding ID to the name is quite ‘secure’ and solid from future problem ? anyone has bad experience?

2. the ‘add’ button … it doesn’t just add/spawn new node , but for every spawning process , i also want to pick parameters from it and promote them at gizmo level , so user can play with it. the parameter are : translate and color. So user can manage to translate and to change color of any spawned marks. i want to know if ‘picking’ knob is possible using python? i couldn’t find it inside the documentation. If it’s not possible then the only way is to add new knobs for each spawned mark, and set the expression to link. Is this the best way?

3. when user delete any mark , so this will leave gap in ID array. do i need to keep track of these deleted elements? so when later user add new mark , it will re-use the deleted ID ( this will involve more works) . or just let it go, and deal with new ID ? which way is the better one? it’s related to database programming , so if anyone have any suggestion or experience, pls.


Nuke 6.xx on Ubuntu and Wacom pressure sensitivity not working


As the title says I can’t get my Wacom pen pressure sensitivity working under Ubuntu 10.04 and 10.10. It works fine in Vista but Nuke runs like a dead dog on Vista 😉

Does anyone here use a Wacom tablet with Ubuntu? I’m guessing most people here in this forum run CentOS?

thanks in advance

how to get pixel aspect using python?

hi does anyone know how to grab pixel aspect info of any node using python, i only found the way to get width() and height() but no idea about pixel aspect ratio. I want to create a modified version of reformat node where the ‘type’ is set to ‘scale’ and then display the output width/height in the label, but as an addition i want to display pixel aspect info too. Anyone can help?