32-Bit EXR Unpremult green pixels??? (image)

Hello everyone,

I’ve have been a Shake and Fusion user for many years now and only just in the last few days have I made my transition over to Nuke. The issue that I’m having may be due to my inexperience with Nuke but I worry that it may also be a real problem that needs a bit of expertise to get around it.

In my screen shot image, I have laid out a simplified version of my tree. To the best of my knowledge, I believe that I have done this correctly but for some reason when I lower the gamma in the color correct, the green pixels from the Unpremult show up.

The main layer feeding into the tree at the top is a 32-bit exr image.

(Disabling the ShuffleCopy has no effect on the final output.)

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Andrei S.

Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen shot 2010-12-21 at 12.41.43 AM.png
Views:	N/A
Size:	138.7 KB
ID:	11162

Font Display Issues

My 64bit NukeX (the 32bit version doesn’t have this issue) appears to be displaying it’s type in Na’Vi or something. I’ve tried using Linotype to clean my system fonts and caches, but it hasn’t helped. Has anyone run into this issue?

Here is some basic system info and screen shots. Also, disregard the broken read inputs, that’s not part of the problem, I just didn’t feel like relinking files for a screenshot.

OSX 10.6.4, Nuke 6.2v1, 2 x 3ghz dual-core xeons, 4gig ram.

What tuts should I take for Nuke after Lynda 5 essentials and 6 new features?

On pace to be done by tonight. Which other ones are good?

Nuke 6.2 is out

general script to render in 4k and then delete the source?

Is there any way to render a image file and then delete its source? like I want to convert the red 4k files to 2k and then delete the source is there any script?

3d cam projection and uv projection


i am a noob in nuke.
but getting to understand the package slowly, currently have a basic understanding of the UI , navigation (…still working on the channels)
however the most attractive part still seems a far cry. namely – camera projection/uv projection and building/extending virtual sets using images/footages/matte paintings.
have tried looking into available materials in the internet (i mean as far as google tells me) including foundry vids. though i have a basic understanding of camera projection/ uv projection in nuke but i am still not able to work this thing for me in a real shot, cant seem to get anywhere close to what i often see in the breakdowns.:confused:
i was wondering if there are anyone out there who would be willing to share some real scripts (nuke project files) and resources on this subject in particular (ranging from intermediate to complex) so i can have a chance to have a first hand look at them.


Red decode problem over network render

Red 4k files are working fine when we render in local but when its rendered on network using deadline it fails all the time… what could be wrong? can you please help me..

python script

Hi, Is there any python script for generating alpha from silhouette shapes

S3D Wire / Track marks removal


Is there any specific process to remove the wire and track marks on S3D Fottage.

I am doing this method. Please correct me if i am wrong.

Opt 1

I painted on left image, put a transfrom node and translate the pixel for the right Image. or Revel the left on right image, In this method i am not able get the perfect results.

Opt 2

I painted left and right images seperately.. in this method, it takes more time. some time i got wiked results after i joined views.

thanks in advance.

Relight Node for Nuke (Where is it located?)

Hey people, this is a very beginner question but I’ve searched every forum I could find that mentions Nuke’s relight tool.

Simply put, I can’t find where mine is. I can’t bring it up with tab or execute it with shortcut x or find it in my menu bar. Most tutorials I’ve seen assume that you have it. I saw in two forums passing references on how the node is "hidden because it’s not fully supported".

I have Nuke 6.1v3 on a vista x64 bit and so I have the relight node if it isn’t hidden. If it is, can someone please give me a quick tutorial/link on how to enable this node? Thank you for your replies in advance!