nuke stereo tracking

HI! I am stereo tracking and the track is pretty good but I have a little jumping in some frames and I dont know how to fix this, anyone can give me a little advice? thanks!

ps: when I access the 3d scene I notice that the right camera is jumping in comparison with the left camera

Workflow for CGI output to DVD

Hi, I’d posted a thread about outputting CG renders for DVD. But I don’t have access to a Broadcast monitor or Final cut pro. Just Nuke, so I’m posting in this section incase anyone is able to help.

I’d be grateful if someone can tell me if I’m doing things right.

I’ve set my viewer lut to REC709, and all my read and write nodes to REC709 too..

Should I be using a colorspace node, converting things to SRGB Pal as at the end of the composite tree?

Any tips are much appreciated thanks.

hello frndzz..

Tell me guyzz… How to import Maya character animation into NUke..??:rolleyes:??

setup default write node in 6.2

Hi , i’m trying to set default value for the write node in 6.2, so it will output -> a .mov file, codec: apple prores 422, 25fps.

These codes ( below usually works fine in 6.1 but not anymore in 6.2 :

nuke.knobDefault(‘Write.codec’,’Apple ProRes 422 (HQ)’) # apple prores
nuke.knobDefault("Write.fps", ’25’)

anyone have any solution ?


mocha-rotopaint and project size.

ive been recently working on a project which involves a excessive amount of roto shape imports from mocha. Since v2, the process is very streamlined and works quite well apart for the -1 frame offset.

however, ive noticed that the size of the .nk file increases exponentially when working with a lot of roto imports. a file which was 300K is now around 50MB with a dozen imports.

how do professionals deal with this problem in a production environment. I was thinking about rendering these roto shapes to a single channel TGA file to make my project smaller. is there any other way to export the rotoshapes to an external file while retaining the editability.

any help and recommendations appreciated,.



the following is a very well written request from your community leaders to new users to this forum. Its meant to make the search for answers most efficient. thank you for reading this. Happy Nuke-ing!

Always make an effort to find the answers you are looking for in the provided resources before posting your question on the forum (especially when you are just starting out learning Nuke).

This shows readers that you have put in some effort to solve your problem, but you still need some more help.

Otherwise, members will feel you are someone who wants something for nothing (no effort given on your part), and they will either get irritated, or purely ignore your post.


For the future, here are a few things you can try before posting questions..

– Have a look in the Nuke User Guide
..can be found under Help > Documentation in the Nuke menu bar

(Contains lots of useful information.. and a good place to start reading up on channels in Nuke, and all the nodes that can be used to move them around.. such as the Copy node shown in my example above).


When you find yourself stuck or confused in 2D/3D, try the following.

1. See the name of the node / operator / technique / channel

2. Copy this name and open the Nuke User Guide. Try to find the same name in there

3. If you find a match, have a read through that section

4. If you still don’t understand it clearly, take a screen shot (print screen) of that section, and post it here.

5. Try to explain (here) what part of the help you did understand and also which part you did not understand.

*If you have been trying something in Nuke, a screen shot of your script can be useful to other readers when they are trying to help. Alternatively, you could upload the script (if you’re allowed to) for others to look at, make suggestions on, etc.

///// [Ref: Boomji]

– Use the forums Search function (Top right area of the page.. ‘Search this Forum’ )
..a lot of the time you’ll be lucky and find someone else has already asked your question, and the answers are all laid out for you in the thread ( beats waiting a few hours for people to reply )

– Have a look at some of the free tutorials on The Foundry’s website:

>> Tutorials and Example Images: (Nuke 5 Tutorial documentation is in the Nuke User Guide)…E-C198B0171453

>> Nuke Training: FX PHD’s Compositor’s Guide to Nuke (scroll a little bit down in the page)…E-C198B0171453

Hope it helps

[original created by doodle]

Roto/Paint Issue

hello everyone,

I am doing some paint work in Nuke and I am having an image quality issue as soon as I turn on "onion" mode to get clean reference from some other frame, quality of that particular frame appears little low or little pixelate.

Is it possible to have full image quality in "onion" mode?

or this is the way nuke deals with reference in ‘onion" mode.

3dsmax + nuke at the same time = slow !


When i run 3dsmax (even on idel, low priority) at the same time as Nuke, Nuke is sooo slow responding.
When i close max, Nuke’s speed is back to normal

I’ve set memory usage to 50% in nuke

Any ideas ?

ps: dual proc quad core 12gb ram quadrofx3700

Nuke path syntax

Hi everybody,

I have just started trying nuke and immediately found a problem with my folder syntax.
My projects folder is [ Projects ], that way it’s always on top of the other folders. Seems that nuke doesn’t like this, as when I move the files on desktop it doesn’t happen again.

The error is "projects: unknown command" on the loaded image in the node editor.

Is there some way to fix this problem, or do I need to change folders syntax?

thank you,


newbie renoising question

Hi guys,

I retouched something via blur it off from the talent’s face. Now I would like to restore the noise so that it matches with the original.
If I use Grain node and match grain in every channel (r, g, b) separately, the result grain in rgb looks too colourful. I’d need monochromatic noise here.

Could you tell me how to do that please?

Or do you have more advanced tips how to match grain?

Many thanks,
