Camera tracker fail

Hi all
I have few shots, all of them camera on tripod, making some pan or tilt movements.
In all shots i had the same problem – while i am solving camera track with camera motion set to "rotation only" -solving is failing after long time.
in terminal i see something like solving 5 cameras, then solving 15 cameras(do not remember exactly – not at work now)
and then Nuke is crashing.
When i set camera movement to free motion (which is false) i do able to track my shots.
Did someone had same problem before?
Thanks in advance

CameraTracker only solves background

hi guys,

got a dolly-shot with a huge object in the foreground (nearly filling 40% of screen). Nukes Cameratracker tracks lots of reliable features all over the picture (foreground as well as background) but ONLY solves the background. Of course the created camera is useless trough creating just some kind of panning instead of a dollymove.

i entered the correct cameradata, increased number of features, threshold, the right movement and created reliable holdout-mattes….

anyone any ideas….?? or maybe some way to force trackpoints of the foreground to be solved?!?


grain matching question

Hi all,
When matching the grain from a plate to a CG object, is it better to match grain THEN blur or Add blur THEN match grain?

Although I’ve done this both ways, i wanted to see how the pros would suggest this. I am looking for the best approach to a seamless composite.


Render Problems

I am working my way through the tutorials on to teach myself nuke and I got to rendering my first project, and nothing renders. i hit the render button in the write node and the rendering screen comes up and goes through it’s processes saying that it is rendering, but when it finishes, all i am left with is a file name like jetcomp.0001.tif.tmp and no actual tif files. just the one temp file, not even one for each image. any idea what is going on and how do i fix it?

Workstation recommendations for Nuke

we are using AMD x2 5600 with 4GB ram what configurations are required to run nuke in realtime… in the sense in the viewer I would like to get NUKE to perform in just realtime even if its just scrubbed i would like to see that in realtime..

Im not talking of complicated networks in realtime but just footages in realtime..

Im looking for the following config

core i7 950
AMD x6 1090T
Xeon Quad Core 2.6GHz nehelem

4GB of RAM

any recommendations please…

Edit the axis on an obj?

Is there an easy way to edit the 3D access point of an obj? Like in Maya, you just hit the insert key, and can move it around and even snap it to a point.

Snapping seems to be the closest thing I can find in the manual (if I’m understanding it correctly), but I’m having trouble with it.

The ideal situation is to scale an object with the axis on a point generated with the nukeX camera track. That way I don’t have to keep moving my object every time I scale it.

keylight : How to make matte information in to alpha channel?

Inorder to decrease my cpu comsumption i decided to export my keyed footages as .tiff sequence with the alpha channel

( which coming from Keying matte + Rotopaint matte)

But i cant find the way to make the ‘Keyed’ information
(from Keylight node) to the alphachannel .

can someone help me how to Copy Keying Matte information into Alpha channel.:confused:

THe composition result look fine.

but in the Alpha channel its all dark.

need script for auto enable and disable a node

hi,can anyone tell me how to auto enable and disable any node during renders?(for example i want to disable ‘framehold’ node from frames 1-10 then enable it from 11-20 then disabling it back after frame 20.)

GS Issue

Hi guys,

this is my first post on this forum and I hope I’m in the right one for this kind of problem

I have a problematic GS extraction which is driving me mad! The issue is that the brightens of the GS is bleeding into the FG and chewing the edges + shifting the hue of it.

I have tried different approaches to the problem, and each one has no satisfactory results. So I hope you guys will have some suggestion to how I can get around this.

In the zip file attached there are few samples of one of the shots:

– Img 1a is the problematic GS that, defocused, bleed into the edges of the FG

– Img 1b is the keyed version with the BG that originally was supposed to be placed in the shot. As you can see it becomes very evident that doesn’t work. Also in the GS get lost fine hair detail the in motion looks weird.

– Img 1d is used a very strong despill operation that helps a little with the edges but it degrade too much the image for the final grade.

– In Img 1c we came up with the idea of putting a really dirty glass behind the window with some kind of light shining on it. But still the result is not good enough.

– In Img 2b you can see that I have inserted an element reconstructed from another shot where the window is in focus (IMG 2c). The problem (apart tacking ages to roto) is that at the end of the day we still lose a lot of hair detail which is obviously objectionable.

I hope that some of you guys with years of experience have come across a similar problem before and is able to guide me to a solution.

I’m open to every creative tips (don’t know, maybe a spaceship landing and shining colorful lights through the window) 🙂

Thank you in advance for your help.


Attached Files
File Type: zip (3.76 MB)

remove reflection

I was handed a plate today that is 453 frames of two people behind a pane of glass. The tripod is reflected on the glass and in front of the two characters.

my task is to remove the tripod as best I can. What would be the best approach that doesn’t involve painting the tripod out of every frame?

this shot also needs to be finished today!

I have tried:

Isolating large areas of the frame and doing a color correction, cranking the contrast to darken the shadows, this is successful to a certain point but not a perfect solution, you can still see the tripod slightly. Also, it makes the shot too dark and contrast-y if I push it too far.

The next idea was to roto the arms, torsos, etc. etc. from the characters and do an individual color correction on each shape, same problem there, I can’t push it too far.

I’ve attached a screenshot of the problem. does anyone have an idea of how to handle this problem quickly without any rotopaint? Thanks in advance.

Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen shot tripod.jpg
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ID:	11380