Python script button to grep a file on disk?

Any help would be great.

I would like to have a Python button to grep a file on disk and print the result in a sticky note.

Thank you!

Object Alignment inside NUKE

Hey guys, anyone can tell me how to do object align inside NUKE ????
i havent found object align node/command inside NUKE like photoshop, After Effects have..


Use 3d-cameratrack to stabilize & roto

I have a pretty complex and shaky cameramove which I have tracked in PFTrack (to use in maya).
I have to do some pretty detailed rotowork on it and figured that I perhaps could use the 3d-track to stabilize the footage, do the rotowork and then destabilize it.
Problem is I have no idea how to do it.

Any tips or help is appreciated.

image sequence viewer and management?

I am wondering if someone can recommend an image sequence viewer and a sequence management application that has solid integration with Nuke, either commercial or opensource?
From what I have found so far,
Image sequence viewer (except the default FrameCycler): Tweak RV, Pdlayer, DJV Imaging, JefeCheck.

sequence management: VFXDesktop (?), ImageWrangler (areknuckle Software), Shotgun (?)

I am wondering which combination of applications (or single application) would be ideal for viewing many sequences rendered out of Nuke (mainly), 3D renderer, or even a screen capture application.


Normal Shader


Has there been any mention by the foundry of normal mapping and other shaders coming to nuke in the future, beyond the Renderman link?

If anyone knows anything I would appreciate some info.


value between [] in python

Hi everyone,

I would like to use this:


[string trimleft [lindex [split [string trim [file tail [value]] .nk] _] 1] v]

into a var python:


n = nuke.toNode("NoOp1")
shotversion = ('[string trimleft [lindex [split [string trim [file tail [value]] .nk] _] 1] v]')

What is the correct structure to write it and return the value?

I use it to create a directory…

Thx a lot

copy/paste single keyframes in dope sheet


i´d like to copy and paste single keyframes or only their values within the dope sheet as i was used to do it in fusion.
e.g. i have animated the rgb-gain-values of a colorcorrect-node and there are several keyframes along the timeline. now i wanna copy the values of keyframe xxxx and paste them to frame yyyy.
and i´d like to do it inside the dope sheet WITHOUT using the properties-bin!!
ctrl+c/ctrl+p doesn´t work, neither "edit->copy->….."!!

i´m runnning nukeX 6.2.1
any hints?


Reposition world center point

Hi all, I’m a little new to Nuke so I may have overlooked this in the manual or missed a forum post but I’ve looked everywhere and I can’t find the answer. I’ve made up a 3D set with lights, animated cameras and a readgeo. Now due to the way certain things in Nuke work I’ve had to make sure that the whole set is placed in positive space, which I thought I did. However it turns out that some of the set is running into negative space and since I’ve duplicated my basic setup a number of times (Different angles e.t.c) and have a lot of keyed cameras (and lights in specific places relative to the read geometry) is there any way I could reposition the world zero point to put everything back into positive space? Or is this a classic gotcha?

auto grab framerange from input node

hi i create a gizmo, where on creation time, i want to grab a framerange info from its input node (the input can be any nodes). So to get the framerange (first and last), i try to put code to the ‘nuke.addOnCreate’ or ‘nuke.addOnUserCreate’ where the code is something like this :


but this give me error : ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘firstFrame’. Anyone has any idea ? the firstFrame() should be available, but for whatever reason i can’t fetch it. The goal is i want my gizmo to simply fetch the framerange of any nodes which is directly connected to my gizmo. Let say my gizmo has parameters : ‘start’ and ‘end’. I want ‘start’ to be reset to whatever its input firstframe and ‘end’ will be reset to its input lastframe. I want to set them AUTOMATICALLY when i create my gizmo.


Nuke 6.2 to Net work render

Hi all,

i am new to this forum Nuke we are using fist time and deadline 4.1sp1 in this NukeX6.2v1 trying to do network render,

please I need some clarification

1)nuke needed any separate render node installer (with nuke package or anything i have to download and install )if it’s with nuke package please tell how to go forward ????

2)any option is there to switch 0n nuke inter face (like a fusion allow network render)

please help me out in this

uppi 😮