lock a viewer to a certain node

is there a way to lock a certain number for a particular viewer onto a certain select node?

For example: Always keep #1 on my original plate and always keep #10 on my write node?

I find myself working in my node tree and I’ll have a certain node selected that I may be working on, then I’ll hit 1 to look at my original plate and it’ll switch #1 to view the node I’m working on. Not a big deal, but kind of annoying when I’m trying to work and I have to pan around to hook up a viewer to the proper node again.


Defocus and expanding over borders

Hey guys,

here’s a noob question again.

I painted a window in Photoshop to use it as a patch in a composite. In my composite I need to defocus this window because it’s way in the background. When putting the defocus node on, it blurs only in the parts that are opaque from the alpha. In After Effects most blur-filters got a setting like "expand borders", so that it blurs over the actual patch-size. Is this possible in Nuke too?

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cutout by alpha

id like to mask an object by its alpha or by material ID…
but i allways get those pixels around my objets…

is there an other way to get this working..?

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Cineform support in Nuke? Help!

Hello guys! Long time lurker here, first time actually posting.

Our workflow is on-set capture to 10-bit cineform 1080p files. usually wrapped in an avi container, sometimes mov. These drop in any program in our workflow no problem, including Fusion.

However I am interested in moving the post over to Nuke, from Fusion.

We are trying out NukeX 6.2v2 as of now, and cannot get cineform files to work at all. When I drag in a cineform wrapped in avi, Nuke flat out says "invalid media type". When I drag in a cineform mov, it loads into the player, but is just complete static.

I’ve searched everywhere, and haven’t been able to find anything, expect that nuke apparently supports cineform raw files. How could it support cineform raw and not the much simpler flat out cineform codec?

I know you’ll probably say "just write everything you need to comp out to an image sequence". That would be great, except it would completely break our existing workflow and require us to double our storage, and have duplicates of everything. It has been incredibly nice to directly drop in our masters for compositing.

So I guess I’m asking, has anyone had luck with cineform in Nuke? Or does it just flat out not support standard directshow codecs? That would probably be a dealbreaker, sadly 🙁

Thanks for reading!

Tricky greenscreen / what approach?

Hey guys,

I’m dealing with a very tricky greenscreen here. The problem is, that it is not "very green", meaning that the difference between the foreground and the greenscreen is not ideal for keying. Also, elements of the foreground are very blurry. I tried using Primatte, IBK and Keylight – but they all got the same problem more or less.

Do you have any tips how I can key this shot? Maybe start by hueCorrecting the green in this shot?

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sytem update: Geforce or Quadro


i´m thinking about switching my working station this year. with an intel q9000, 8gig-ram, quadro 2700M my notebook bumps its limits and NEVER really worked fine the last years with nuke, especially larger kind of scripts.

i´m heading for a good offer with an i7 2600k quad, 16gig ram and a raid0.
related to a lot of discussions at this and other forums about graphics-cards, i´ve to decide between a good Geforce like the GTX580 OR an affordable Quadro solution.

i mainly using NukeX, but alot of it in 3D-space.
3D apps like maya or c4d i need less often.

what is your experiences with the Quadro and Geforce GFX?


Shuffle Node color banding

Hi guys, I recently have been noticing something odd when previewing my comps in FrameCycler. I pull in my exr render from vray as linear (default), change colorspace to sRGB, preview it in Flipbook to watch it, change color calibration to "off", and it looks fine. Now when I start to use the "shuffle node" or "merge" to comp and do the same thing I notice a crazy image degradation occurring or banding rather, def some info is getting lost in there somehow. Anyone else notice this ever? I’m definitely not a comping wiz but this is really confusing. Any guidance would help.

Thanks a ton

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Where’s the cache bar like the green one in After Effects?


Sorry if this is an extreme noob question…I’m an AE user and I’m trying to switch to Nuke. One of the things I have noticed is when I play something it won’t display the green cache bar to see whats loaded to play. While the time line plays it will suddenly slow down at a part where it’s not cached but not let you know where that will be happening.

Is there any sort of cache bar in Nuke?


paint interpolation ( like shake)

So I was looking around in the forums and found part of my answer in this thread:

– freehand style rotopaint like i found in adobe illustrator (one curve per frame, as you don’t have to maintain the same amount of control point)
– fill color : i want to be able to fill color like photoshop does (doesn’t have to be raster, i once see vector can do this like in retas pro- software for cartoon animation)
– roto stickiness behaviour (again like illustrator ) : so spline can snap.
– option for auto tangent adjustment (like in shake) : while moving control point , the adjacent control point is auto adjusting its tangent respectively.

– animation paint (like autopaint in flame or interpolation in shake)
– why can’t i set parameter before doing roto/painting

My question is: Has this been addressed? Is the rotopaint node capable of a paint "interpolation" like shake?

If not, is there a good workaround to animate my paintstrokes? :fingerscr

Thanks all. 🙂

Strange edge with my ZBlur

I currently working on blue screen project
We use blue screen element on card in the nuke 3D environnement

I have some trouble when i use the zBlur node. I try to control the depth between my front element and the others with my depth pass from the scanlineRender.
So i adjust the knob to have my front element sharp and my back blurred.
All is working except that i have a strange stroke around my front element.(i think it’s everywhere but not visible with the depth blur). It’s not a black or color stroke like in a wrong premult. It’s when my element is sharp there is not a smooth transition with the other elements (or cards).
I hope to be clear enough and will try to upload a screenshot of my problem
thanks for your answer