Renumber frames in Nuke


Is there an option in Nuke to renumber the frames that are rendered using the Write node.

For instance the input for a footage i’m using is from 213 to 629.. the normal write node will output the renders with this frames only. But I want to know if it is possible to render with the output images starting from 1.

Thanks in advance.

Despill question

How does one go about despilling a greenscreen element using a defocused BG, besides running it through a certain keyer? Is this possible.. (without gizmo’s would be nice, seeing the school has strict limitations on folder permissions).

Right now, I’m using IBK to pull a edge key and 2 keylights for a core/garbage matte. I then copy the final matte back into a hue-corrected plate, but as usual, when I merge A over B I get a slight grey edge. Not always a fan of just eroding and adding a little blur, so I was just looking for a possible better approach.

My professor takes the final matte and copys it into a keylight comp over a defocused BG and premults it. Is this common? (calls it his despill lightwrap trick)

Appreciate it..

Sky Replacement: black edge

I’m confused because of this black egde. I did key out the sky with the keyer-node and using a mask for the top half.
then inverted the same mask for the bottom half.

that’s what happens:

and I’m not sure about the premult nodes after merge2 + merge3.

Thank you in advance

iff issue.!!

how come only nuke can not show this image.!?!?!?

Attached Files
File Type: rar 01.rar (3.14 MB)

Nuke 6.2v1 Roto tool question??

Is it possible to have multiple roto shapes visible in 6.2v1 while roto-ing with the ROTO tool??? In older versions of nuke, setting the bezier tool to color or some other tab would hide the points but keep the shape visible while roto-ing with another
bezier node. Am I missing something or did this option change in 6.2v1?? It seems like you can’t have more than one Roto node selected at a time.

Also, can I rescript the node to change this if I need to??

Query knob’s flags from Python?

Hi all, first time poster!

In Python, nuke.Knob has methods for setting and clearing flags (ie, whether it’s hidden, starts a new line, etc), but I can’t seem to find a way to query whether a flag is set on a knob or not. Does anybody know how to do this in Python?

viewer rendering ProPhoto RGB oddly…

Trying to view a prophoto RGB image in Nuke, and it renders it strange compared to other ICC compliant software. I am guessing I need some kind of prophoto viewer lut opposed to the shipped sRGB?

I know it can handle the data correctly as I can use the colourSpace node to convert from 1.8 Prophoto to 2.2 sRGB and the results are what I would expect…. I just cannot view it.

Here, the attached shows ProPhoto on the left, sRGB on the right.

Thanks for any insight with this.

Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version

Name:	nuke_colourSpace_question.jpg
Views:	N/A
Size:	36.0 KB
ID:	11503

Nuke Particular render issue

So I’ve been experimenting with the new (ish) Trapcode Particular plugin for Nuke after watching Steve Wright’s excellent tutorial and scanning through the manual.

I’ve hit a pretty big problem though, I’m not getting anything but pure black screens for renders.
I’ve racked my brains and have absolutely no idea what I’m doing wrong here.
I’m writing out as mov and have tried ProRes, H264, Motion JPEG to name but a few. All result in the same black screen, and sometimes, it seems to freak my project out too and the viewer will suddenly decide to display black, back and nothing but black 🙁 When that happens, a quick restart of Nuke solves it instantly, but that strikes me as odd. It’s a simple script, I’m just really wanting to get to grips with Particular and run a few experiments etc.

Anyone have any ideas where I may be going wrong here?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Btw, I’ve attached the project file just in case anyone’s kind enough to take a look 🙂

Attached Files
File Type: nk Particular Coloured Smoke.nk (77.9 KB)

ObjectID vs Label

Hey people, I have a relatively quick question that calls to compare two very similar (if not the same) 3D passes, objectID and the Label pass. I am aware of how each are set up and that the label pass is really supposed to be integrated with the coverage pass for masking but, when comparing objectID and label by themselves alone, are the essentially the same output?

I always thought that objectID was inferior to label because label didn’t store AA data (which could be multiplied later by coverage). With a quick render test however, I found that the two passes had very similar results (if not exactly the same). I may have flawed somewhere in my process but I wanted to make sure, are results for label and objectID the same? I’m not looking for a long reply but they’re always appreciated. A simple "label is better with coverage" or "they’re the same" would be sufficient. Thank you for your replies in advance!


I have a small problem tackling inertia and bounce with an expression.
There are some scripts written for after effects but they base on velocity which I do not have in nuke.
I managed to write sth but it is far, far from usable as it takes way too many arguments.

Problem I have.
We have two points on x axis (just for the sake of simplicity).
One is moving with a keyframed animation. The second should follow BUT:
– the second point should have inertia that makes him bounce around every time it has to stop
– the second point should react like it is connected with a rubber string with the first point. So it moves some time after the first point and moves faster when points are further appart

I have found a way to express inertia bounce with sth like this (all values come from a NoOp node that has custom knobs):


amplitude*sin(frequency*current frame)/exp(dampening*current frame)

but as I wrote earlier I had to add a lot of other things into the statement to make the bounce visible.

I hope I wrote it clearly enough and someone can help me with it.