YUV422 to sRGB

Is there a method to convert a quicktime YUV422 file in NUKE to sRGB in such a way it is the same color conversion that Compressor makes? I know it is a strange problem but actually it would save me a lot of work.

nuke 2d to 3d conversion workflow

hey guys, i m testing nuke 2d to 3d conversion work flow, i extracted mattes, projected them on the geometry, created a second eye camera and fill the holes….but this technique is working gr8 for the rigid objects…but for the character and moving objects….i don’t know how to proceed…coz i don’t see like projecting character onto plane coz it also has depth between eyes, nose …it will not work for sure…some people,l i guess do it with some depth-maps and all…and i don’t know the whole procedure…so plz explain …:confused:
cheers for the answers

Write settings in 6.2

Did something change in quicktime settings in 6.2? I used to have knob defaults setting compression, fps and some other minor things which worked like a charm in 6.0 and 6.1 but suddenly it stopped after 6.2 upgrade.

The settings were


nuke.knobDefault('Write.file_type', 'mov')
nuke.knobDefault('Write.colorspace', 'sRGB')
nuke.knobDefault('Write.codec', 'raw ')
nuke.knobDefault('Write.Flatten', '0')
nuke.knobDefault('Write.fps', '25')

Does anyone know what happend there?

Triggering parameter animation

Hi all, new here and to Nuke and to compositing generally in fact.

Absolutely loving Nuke so far, having only had a brief and traumatic experience with After Effects before. But I’m struggling to work out a few things and was wondering if anyone more experienced could give me a few tips.

Probably easiest if I explain what I’m trying to do:

I’m working on a mockup of a game for an android phone and I have an effect, constructed out of a few nodes, that I’m using for the user tapping the screen.

It works fine when I key each part of the effect manually for each user tap, but what I would like to be able to do is re-use this effect in an efficient fashion – eg group the nodes together, duplicate and move, and then just pipe in a trigger signal as it were which essentially triggers the playback of a predefined set of anims on the groups internal node parameters.

Is there any way to do this?

Thanks in advance for any help!

Multiple Read Nodes with same source: slowing down script

i´m not sure about a little thing i tested:
i loaded a read(sourceX.%04d.jpg) an duplicated it 20 times. so every read kept the same source file. i did some modifikations like transform, blur ASO (nothing specific) and merged one after the next. when watching the last node while playback, it was fast , but let´s say took 1 sec per frame.

i copied the complete setup. only difference was, that i just connected 1 read node to all the inputs.
this setup ran 3 times faster!??

i thought nuke was smart enough to recognize that 20 read nodes with exactly same settings and same path act like one of them!!
am i wrong with that, or what´s it all about?

and what does it mean when dealing with multipass EXR? better load only one exr-read in script and branch this one to all the pass-merge operations?

thanks in advance!!

Nuke and Windows 7

Hi, I’ve tried to run Nuke on Widndows7 64bit and I find it much slower than tunning it in WindowsXP 64bit. I think it’s something with the OpenGL in windows7. I would like to know if there is any workaround to achieve better performance and if you people are using Nuke on W7 without trouble.


linking formats for gizmos

I need to create a checkerboard inside a gizmo that inherits the format of Input1. Anyone know how to do this easily?

Green screen fix or paint?


i’ve removed green screen with ultimatte, but all the motion blur is mixed with the green screen, is there a way i can make the motion blur come back without the green showing or a way i can make the motion blur solid?spill suppress just makes it grey… or do i need to paint back objects?

i originally thought i could do a roto around the object and put a solid color in behind my green screen work and blend it in however the layers are not merging well probably due to grades/color correction. :/

>> Get coordinates of a point after Transforms

ex: the position of my Lense Flare center is affected by a "Transform" and a "Corner Pin",
on my screen Nuke update the position.

But is it possible to access to this new coordinates, in links or python ?
(my center affected by this transformations)

NUKE crashes consistently in Windows XP

I have recently done a complete overhaul on my system. I got NUKE 6.0v2 Since then i have crashing problems every time when I open the s/w on my pc.

I have no clue what is causing this does anybody know what i can do, or from experience what may be causing this? Any help is greatly appreciated since i am at my troubleshooting expertise limits. Thanks in advance.

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