I’ve stumbled upon a workflow issue between Nuke and Houdini when match moving (though I’m sure this applies to any 3D app, Maya/3DS/C4d etc).
I’ve set up and tracked a shot in Nuke using the ‘CameraTracker’ node. Before tracking, I’ve undistorted the lens using the ‘LensDistortion’ node, so my track and camera are based on the undistorted lens.
I’ve also used a ‘modeler’ node to create some rough location geometries as reference when I take the scene into Houdini. Again, all based on the undistorted lens and footage.
Upon importing the FBX file, it’s all worked beautifully, apart from the fact the camera, track and modeler geometry are all based on the undistorted lens, and so, inside Houdini, the Nuke elements obviously don’t agree with the background plate. And, besides, even they did, if I create, say, a fluid sim in the Houdini scene, it’ll obviously not match the undistorted scene in Nuke. :spacedout
Is there anything I can do in either Nuke or Houdini to make this workflow…work? 😀
I reeeeeally hope this makes sense
Thanks in advance.