Pftrack to nuke Camera features.

Hi , i just exported a sequence from pftrack to nuke but i cant figure out how to see the camera features on the 3d viewport to position my cards on the right place. Another thing, is there a way to snap to any of these features??

Channels and nuke



ok I thought I had the whole channels thing sorted…

I am guessing not…

Can any one point me in the direction of a good tutorial / explanation of channels in nuke in the area of creating and using these.

I know this sounds like a dumb simple question, but they seem to work in one instance and then in the same situation they will not.


I have a few people walking around, I have created a bezier for each as a garbage.

so I go ahead and create a new channel say called "guy01.garbage" from the bezier, place this after my IBK and all is good only the guy and his portion of the greenscreen is visible.

I go to work on the girl get my "girl01.garbage" place it after the new IBK for the girl and every thing disappears ???

this is killing me, I have moved on by using an "in " node and piping the bezier into that but it is not as elegant.

one other thing… is there a way to delete channels that the user has created???


REDCINE and tiff’s for Nuke

Hey guys

I am rendering 32bit tiffs from REDCINE to work with in Nuke.

a couple of things I notice the IO in to nuke seems slower than normal plus (possibly) the big tell is that the file is rendered to the view port from bottom to top where as other files are rendered from top to bottom..

so my question is does any one know if REDCINE writes files in a different way than the norm.


whts the replace node for Rngamma in shake

wht is the replacement node for rngamma in shake?

question about over operator for images with no alpha/matte channel


I’m new to Nuke but pretty familiar with the capabilities of the program.

I’m trying to learn the merge operations, starting with the Merge(over).

I understand that this operator expects a premultiplied image that is, correct me if I’m wrong, an image with an alpha channel integrated with the file.

Image A 400×400 pixels a picture of a happy face
Image B 400×400 pixels the Nuke Checkerboard

So OK, Image A has NO transparency, you can’t see through it.
I put a transform and translated Image A out of the frame ( I moved it over) and with the merge you can now see the checkerboard under it.

What I want to do is add an alpha channel to Image A to make it a premultiplied image.

Could anyone help me figure this out?

Notice how the checkerboard underneath shows through a little but with the transform it doesn’t show through the image itself, only around the sides where it was moved. Could anyone explain why that is?

Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	image002.jpg
Views:	N/A
Size:	58.4 KB
ID:	7118

FXguide TV #48 – Nuke Demo on Mummy


I wanted to share a video that features a demo about 3D / UV / Facial Expression stuff that we used here at DD on the Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor in NUKE5. Interview was taken while I was back home at IBC’08 in Amsterdam. Its the same, but more fleshed out, demo that I did at the Nuke User Group Meeting at Siggraph. Its the second part in the vid.

Hopefully you guys enjoy!


read node workflow

I’ve noticed that the read node in Nuke doesn’t give much info regarding what’s going on with the plate being read in. Maybe there is more info there and I’m just missing it but it appears that there is no hint as to whether a plate is pre-multiplied or divided (unpremult) coming in.. I mean, I suppose you could look at the matte-edge and look for aliasing but this seems combersome.

Would it be safe to assume that a good workflow would be to go READ -> REFORMAT -> UNPREMULT -> COLOR CORRECT -> PREMULT and so on…?

Thanks in advance

rendering out from 3d viewport camera…

Does anyone know a way to render out what the camera is seeing in the 3d viewport? I want to show some composites I’ve done for my showreel, with all the layers in 3d space. But I haven’t figured out a way to output it.

Text message from Input Expression

Hey Guys,

Got a little housekeeping question for ya that will make my afternoon much more enjoyable if I can figure this out. It’s a simple, but HUGE, stamp task for previs with the frame sequence file name needing to be written onto the frame. So far they’ve had to just manually type in the name of each sequence, and that’s a big waste of time. So what I would like to do is figure out an expression to be placed in the message knob of the text node that would grab the file name from whatever Read it’s hooked into.

Anyone have any ideas?


Version up expression

Hey Guys,

I’m trying to track down the proper code to read the version number of a script and plug that automatically into a write node file path. Ex. Filename_v01.nk. Does anyone have an idea what the expression is for this? I’ve been messing around with variations of the file.tail syntax. But no luck so far.

Thanks in advance,