Maya Locators to Nuke

I have a tracked camera and a bunch of locators in Maya. I’ve got the camera in Nuke already, but I need my locators, too.

I tried selecting the group of locators and exporting as FBX with various combinations of settings. I’ve also tried renaming the locators to "null_###" (I seem to remember After Effects liking that naming convention) but no go. OBJ doesn’t seem to work either.

How do I do this?

5.1v3 Relative directories

I am evaluating NUKE 5.1v3 on both OS X and VISTA 64. They will be used on a mixed platform network. We are trying to move our workflow over from SHAKE to NUKE and love the freedom of the Multi-platforms The Foundry has decided to support. Its awesome! BUT is there anyway to modify the NUKE scripts to do a relative directory structure to read media in the READ node?

On a side note, as much as NUKE rules, it makes me realize how rad SHAKE was and how great a composting app is was, I have yet to feel like we needed to move over to NUKE till now. And its is only because we have some 64bit PC’s doing 3D animation and want to do test comps right away, and finish them on the MAC. Does anyone know where all the original employees and developers of SHAKE from nothing real went? Did they go to Apple? Did they go to The Foundry? Are they wandering the earth?

Aside from that, what about Relative Directories??


Viewers in Nuke

When you have multiple viewers in your comp and use hotkeys (1, 2, 3, etc.) to connect nodes to a viewer, is there a way that you can pick which viewer node the hotkeys refer to?:confused:

High Pass in Nuke?

Hey, does anyone know the math or the matrix equation to create photo shop’s highpass filter here in Nuke. Or a node structure to create a highpass? Thanks in advance

Here’s what I found here already: differential-frequency-compositing

However I haven’t found this explicitly yet… hope you guys can help

gizmo , py , tcl

just need to know some things about python script and gizmo
I downloaded some gizmo and .py from fxshare..
so I know I have to put the .gizmo file in the /plugin/user folder…but what about the .py and .tcl doesn’t seems to work in the same directory…
and also if I write in the script editor nuke.node.XXX() I can have the gizmo, what about the .py and .tcl? how can I call and use?

many thanks

Matrix node

I’m watching the 2.5D lighting demo that was recently posted on the Foundry site, and Roy Seltzer (sp?) popped up a Matrix node to do some antialiasing. I looked around for some info on this node, but didn’t find anything.

Can anyone shed some light on how this node works, and/or what it’s used for?

Many thanks,

ambient occlusion in Nuke


sorry this might be a little strange but I don’t know how to get the best result in Nuke with ambient occlusion pass..
you know in Photoshop I just multiply it .. but in Nuke, Multiplying darkens the whole image.. and I don’t know how to composite the AO pass back on the footage properly..

I ‘m not pro with Nuke so I need help!

thank you in advance..

Nkple files Unable to open on Licensed version of Nuke

Hello everyone!

I was working on an assignment on the PLE launch of Nuke and tried to open it on a licensed version and found that it wasn’t possible. Does anyone know a way to get a Nkple file to open on a licensed verison of Nuke? Thanks.

Working with edited material

I am going to be receiving some stereoscopic material that has already gotten picturelock and i wanted to do colormatching and interocular distancing using ocula (this could apply to any full frame effect on any type of content). How will nuke handle something like colormatching or IO distancing when the scene changes? Will the effects be applied globally based upon the initial shot, or is nuke intelligent enough to automatically detect scene changes and apply its effect dynamically?

If not, am i doomed to using merge/time offset combo’s along with my effect nodes in order for the effects to be accurate over time?

Noob Nuke Expression Question

Hi Everyone

I am new to Nuke and was wondering if anyone can tell me how to write a simple random expression? I can’t find any examples on the net or in any forum and in the manual it doesn’t really give examples of correct syntax – I just want to have the "mix" value on any given merge node to return a random value between 0 and 1 –

I have got this far: Merge24.mix = random ….something…. am I on the right track?

any help? cheers