I’m new to nuke but I like it so much and of course, I have lots of questions
1) Is there a way to change the arrow color between nodes?
I’d like to give different colors. For example, when I create a gizmo, I’d like to give a different color for each entry.
1a) When making a gizmo or when using a node with multiple entries, like a front, a background and a mask for example,
is there any shortcut to display each one?
On flame, for example, you have F1, F2, F3, F4 —> front, back, matte, result
It’s very usefull to check what the entries are.
2) Is there a way to prevent the software to open the property related to a node when inserting a node?
(imagine a pane with 3 tabs: node graph, curve editor and properties)
3) Is there some kind of collapse function for a group of node
I don’t want to make a group but just collapse visually some nodes together and if needed, I uncollapse in order to adjust some parameters …
4) Ctrl + t allows me to go from a tab to another,
is there a way to assign a shortkey to specific tabs? (imagine 3 tabs on the same pane)
5) Is there a way to display the same viewer in 2 different tabs?
If I zoom in viewer 1, it zooms in viewer 2 but I’d like to see the R on the left and the G on the right tab. (or RGB and alpha) with the same value of zoom
But zooming works exaxtly in the same way on both viewers.
6)Is there a way to increase the size of a node
I usually rename my node and it’s bigger than the node 🙂