Creating a 3D Noise Texture – and moving through it…

I figured it would be a fairly straight-forward thing to do to use the Camera data to drive an fBm noise function in an Expression node, thereby creating a fairly rudimentary "cloud fly-though".
Using the lancularity, gain and octave variables, it should also be possible to tweak the settings. However, the movement of the noise would be entirely dictated by the Translation and Rotation of the Camera.

Is this correct or do I misunderstand the concept of 3D noise?

The Noise node seems to be halfway there, but there is no way to integrate the necessary movement.
Has anyone managed to do this?


Roto Problem !

Hi VFX Talkers,
I am suffering from close deadlines,and i have got a shot to roto in last stage.What is causing problem is that the bezier points are not working properly and they lag a bit when i move them.I think the keys data is a causing the points to move slow when dragged.Is there any way to make them smooth to handle.Pls shoot me with solutions as that will help a lot.Thanks:confused:

Feeding the name/number of the Node into an expression

I seem to remember being able to do this in Shake, but I can’t find the correct script/expression for it in Nuke.

What I would like to do is be able to write an expression into a node that reads directly the number associated with that node.
For example, I would like to be able to create a sphere (Sphere1) with a universal scale of 1, and then copy and paste it, creating another sphere (Sphere2), which automatically updates itself to have a univeral scale of 2.
I feel like there should be a simple expression that can do this without me having to resort to scripting it in Python, but maybe not.
Any ideas?
Many thanks…

Find most “expensive” node in tree – cpu time related

Hey Guys,

in maya there is a way to show the most computational expensive nodes in the hierarchy…is this possible in nuke,too?

thx in advance

interface enhancements ideas


I have been thinking about nukes interface and what could make it easier or faster to use.

Here is my list:

1. Show last used commands in tab key.
below the search box nuke could show a list of the last 5 used nodes. houdini does something like this now.

2. marking menus.
create your own marking menus. they could be context sensitive too.

3. cycle between layouts
shortcut to cycle between 2 layouts. the same as using alt-tab in windows.

4. intelligennt tab key
quicksilver style tab key as mentioned in my earlier post.

5. gestures
draw a circle and a blur node is added. draw a t and a tracker.

Please add more or comment on these if there is a way to have them now.

a simple question, Fusion Nuke compare


I just want to know what is the equivalant of ChannelBollean Node of Fusion in Nuke?
I need to divide all channles by alpha, based on a tutorial from Gnomon ( multi pass rendering in Max )..
is there another way to do it in Nuke ?

thank you in advance 🙂

Is time mapping possible in Nuke?

I’m trying to create a time mapping effect in which each pixel will be taken from the same position of the source sequence but from a moment in time defined by a b/w matte called time map. So for example if I have a sequence going thru the time mapper and using a b/w top down gradient (white up and black down) as time map and I gain that time map from 0 to 1 the effect will be that the top of the frame will play earlier time than the the bottom of the frame which will play later time. I don’t know if this is making sense to you but if you’re familiar with fusion it has similar tool. There’s also the custom tool in fusion where you can define the value of each pixel using a formula so if there’s something similar in nuke that’s another way to do it. Basically if you define the start of the range and end of the range of the time you need to map:
RGBresult(t)=RGBsource(ValueOfTimeMap(t)*(EndOfRan ge-StartOfRange)+StartOfRange)

black pixels on 3d card projections…

I’ve noticed some black pixels scattered around my image, due to the row/columns attribute on the 3d Card. When I start bumping up the count to around 250 or so, black pizels appear. Anyone else seen these or know how to avoid them?

Other than lowering the count, I need it that high, because I’m projecting some gradient maps on it to drive displacement, and it looks like garbage if the poly count is too low.

Ocula 2.0v1 released

Ocula 2.0v1

This is a major new release of Ocula with many new features, improvements and bug fixes.Release Date
8 October 2009


  1. Nuke 5.1v3 (or higher) on Windows XP SP2, XP64; Mac OS X 10.5 "Leopard" (32-bit and x86 only); Linux CentOS 4.5 (32-bit and 64-bit).
  2. Foundry FLEXlm Tools (FFT) (5.0v1 or later) for floating license support.

New Features

There are three new plug-ins in Ocula 2:

  1. O_Solver – Some of the functionality from O_DisparityGenerator has been seperated out into this plug-in, to allow a more flexible workflow. O_Solver determines the geometrical relationship between a stereo pair of views by detecting feature matches. If you have more than one sequence that were filmed with the same camera rig, it is only necessary to do this calculation on one of them; the same O_Solver can then be reused for the other sequences. It also offers the following advantages over the old DisparityGenerator:
    • An Ignore input so you can tell it which regions to ignore when detecting features.
    • The ability to calculate the camera relationship over a temporal window, for greater robustness.
    • The ability to calculate the camera relationship at intervals and interpolate smoothly between them for better temporal stability.
    • A Camera input, allowing you to use pre-tracked cameras.
    • Interactive editing of feature matches in the viewport.
    • The features and camera relationship are stored as metadata, so they can be saved and reused further downstream.
  2. O_DepthToDisparity – a new plug-in to generate a disparity field from a stereo pair of depth maps plus a camera set-up. This is intended for use with CG scenes.
  3. O_DisparityToDepth – a new plug-in to generate depth maps from a disparity field, given the stereo camera set-up.

Release Notes

Product Website

split string in tcl

I’m working on our slates and I can’t figure out how to split the string i get from:
What I get is:
x:/3073 Client JobName/scenes/nuke/12_01_blood_an.nk

Is there any way of splitting this into an array like this:

I guess I could concentrate on the "3073 Client JobName" first and then the tail "12_01_blood_an".
Problem is I’m not sure if it’s possible in tcl or how I should write it…

Anyone have a clue or suggestions what I should google..?

Thanks in advance.
