multiple writes for multiple reads

Hi. Can anyone of the wizards around here help me out with this little thingie.

I am trying to attach multiple write nodes to selected multiple read nodes, as simple and straightforward.

I was hoping a for function would help me, but again, I have a logical error somewhere. If anyone knows an elegant way around the problem, I’d appreciate it.

Here’s the script.

n = nuke.selectedNodes()

for n in sn:

first = n.firstFrame()
last = n.lastFrame()
a = n[‘file’].value()

wr = nuke.nodes.Write (name="Write_DPX",file=a, colorspace="rec709").setInput(0,n)
wr[‘disable’].setExpression("((frame < n.first)?true:false)||((frame > n.last)?true:false)")

Thanks guys

Interlacing stereo outputs

How do people output there comps for checking as they work? At the moment we are rendering side by sides and letting the monitor interlace it for us.

Is there a way to output interlaced shots directly from nuke?

normal How to do

how to composite

two layers


Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version

Name:	normal.jpg
Views:	N/A
Size:	103.0 KB
ID:	8710

Click image for larger version

Name:	color.jpg
Views:	N/A
Size:	91.2 KB
ID:	8711

How to query image sequence names into array in python

Hello everyone,

I`m new to this forum and searching for a way to get all image sequences of a selected directory into an array to later iterate through and batch render.

basic idea:

choose directory

for i in directory (0,size directory+1)
render writes 1 2 3………

My Nuke Scripteditor just shows filenameFix(…) when I read some sequences. Actually that window with the sequences box activated already shows the exact list of strings that I need inside the variable.
But how to get the command behind ?

Any hints are highly appreciated

all the best,

Need basic for Nuke

Hi , all . .. .

Am a stranger in NUKE. I want to study nuke from the basics. Is anybody knows about the source for Nuke tutorials from the scratch ?

Nuke Cam Projection Question

Hi there,

we have shot giga pixel 360 panos of landscapes and want to do camera projections now in Nuke. With a single view without rotating the camera
i have done nice projections already but how to model in a 3D sotware if you want rotate (up to 360 degrees) and move the camera around in such a projected environment? Just by paning the flat image projected on a geometry i cannot match the greenscreen plates. What is the best practice doing this kind of stuff in Nuke? Model the geo in a 360 full circle and then re-project.

Hope my question is clear, i have a matchmoved camera from PFTrack from a action sequence shot on a greenscreen stage and have to comp these fighters into a virtual environment shot with a 16 Nikon camera rig and want extend my Nuke camera (matched from PFTrack) to freely fly around in a camera projected environement.

How to use software calibrated wide color LCD’s for Nuke sRGB work?

Hey everybody,

I got a new wide color gamut monitor last week (HP LP2475w with old S-IPS panel, NOT the new H-IPS panel available in units manufactured AFTER March2009) and noticed a problem (dont’t worry it IS a NUKE workflow question, NOT about hardware).

After calibrating the whole rig using a Datacolor Spyder3 (6500k, gamma 2.2, Luminance 0.50-150 cd/m) running WinXP x64 I was expecting the fact, that like all wide color displays who DON’t store the calibration INSIDE the monitors firmware (UNlike HP Dreamcolor LP2480zx or Eizo CG243W who DO store it inside the monitors firmware) all applications who are not icc color managed, will display every image oversaturated (including the windows desktop) which is fine by me. Working for example in After Effects works flawless and with correct colors, as long as a proper working space is assigned under "project management/color setting/workspace" (for example sRgb IEC6) and no errors are made in the "interpret footage / color management" dialog.

My problem is that when I try to work in NUKE, the standard "sRgb" viewer setting with 2.2 Gamma (for working in linear space) still does display everything too saturated (especially all the reds). I know that NUKE doesn’t use the icc profiles, but is there a way to work with NUKE, correct colors and a wide color gamut monitor?

I tried the following. I generated a CMS test pattern in NUKE (color/3dLUT/TestPattern) and rendered it out as a 8bit PNG (sRGB Colorspace). Then I loaded this pattern into an after effects project (with my monitors profile assigned under Project settings/color setting/working space) and assigned "sRGB IEC6" as color management profile in the footage interpretation dialog of the cmsPattern. Then I created a composition containing the pattern and rendered the color shifted CMSpattern out (monitor output profile was assigned in render queue) and reimported it into Nuke. The pattern was used to generate a 3dlut (color/3dlut/generate LUT) and this LUT I use as the last node in every tree to see a correct sRGB color representation of the footage I work in NUKE.

Is that crazy? Am I missing something or even screwing up the colors big time? Any suggestions or better worflow solutions are welcome.

nuke text node setup in python problem

hi friends. I have a bit of a noobish question and I apologize in advance.

I am trying to set up a simple slate using the text node, and I seem to be having a problem controlling the box and translate parameters. Can’t set them for some reason, although I think the parameters names are right. I got the parameters names with connecting the expression out of the node to another node.

here’s the slate part of the script:

nuke.nodes.Text (
yjustify = "center",
#box.main.x = 0,
#box.main.y = 0,
#box.main.r = 2048,
#box.main.t = 1168,
#translate.main.x = 50,
#translate.main.y = -550,
size = 25,
message="shot number"

the script basically attaches this to selected node. the commented part is the one that doesn’t work, without it seems to be fine.

any suggestions would be welcomed.


[big noob /!\] masks in nuke ?

I’m new in nuke and i have some problems with bezier and masks.

i don’t know how to work the masks.

– how to replace a zone by transparency ?

– how to limit an effect with a mask/bezier ?

what are the proprieties to modify ???

can someone explain and make screenshot of a composition to show how make that ?

thx in advance

stereo image

Hello everybody!
Would you recommend me any tutorials or resorses using stereo stuff?
thank you