ima compositor
and im facing a problem in keying with ibk in nuke
i just want to know tha how we can reduce the and suppress edges in ibk keyer
plz help me out
thnks alot
mahendra 🙂
plz help me out
thnks alot
mahendra 🙂
I’m an expression making newbie here so bare with me!
this is what I’m using as a camera shake in a transform node.
figured some people around here would dig it, and help with feedback.
big thanks to chris keller the creator
C:/Program Files/Nuke5.2v3/plugins/SubmitNukeToDeadline.tcl: plugin did not define SubmitNukeToDeadline
Traceback(most recent call last):C:/Program Files/Nuke5.2v3/plugins/SubmitNukeToDeadline.tcl:plugin did not define SubmitNukeToDeadline
I use Deadline 3.1 and nuke 5.2v3(64bit), win xp bit
he error has no practical impact, but the error pops up every time people do not feel at ease
How to get rid of the error!!
I do not know how this is going on
Any help appreciated
# SubmitNukeToDeadline.tcl
# Ryan Russell (Prime Focus), 2006
# Integrated Nuke tcl script to submit jobs to Deadline.
# Helper Procedures
# Opposite of incr.
proc decr {varName {decrement 1}} {
upvar 1 $varName var
incr var [expr {-$decrement}]
# Checks if the value is a valid Integer.
proc IsInteger { value } {
if { [regexp {^[0-9]+$} $value] > 0 } {
return true
return false
# Checks if the value is a valid Boolean.
proc IsBoolean { value } {
set value [string tolower $value]
if { [string compare $value "0"] == 0 || [string compare $value "1"] == 0 || [string compare $value "true"] == 0 || [string compare $value "false"] == 0 } {
return true
return false
# Checks if the given filename ends with a movie extension
proc IsMovie { path } {
set ext [file extension $path]
if {[string compare -nocase $ext ".mov"] == 0} {
return true
return false
# Gets the chunk size that is required if submitting a movie job.
proc GetChunkSize { defaultValue } {
set theNodes [nodes]
foreach node $theNodes {
if {[class $node] == "Write" && [knob $node.disable] != true } {
if {[IsMovie [filename $node]]} {
return 1000000
return $defaultValue
# Gets the chunk size that is required for a particular write node.
proc GetChunkSizeForWriteNode { writeNodeName defaultValue } {
set theNodes [nodes]
foreach node $theNodes {
if {[class $node] == "Write" && [knob $] == $writeNodeName } {
if {[IsMovie [filename $node]]} {
return 1000000
return $defaultValue
return $defaultValue
# Checks if path is local (c, d, or e drive).
proc IsPathLocal { path } {
if {[string compare -nocase -length 2 $path "c:"] == 0 || [string compare -nocase -length 2 $path "d:"] == 0 || [string compare -nocase -length 2 $path "e:"] == 0 } {
return true
return false
# Checks if the filename is padded (ie: \\output\path\filename_%04.tga).
proc IsFilenamePadded { filename } {
if {[regexp "\%(\[0-9\]+)d" $filename match count] == 1} {
return true
return false
# Parses through the filename looking for the first padded pattern, replaces
# it with the correct number of #'s, and returns the new padded filename.
proc GetPaddedFilename { filename } {
# Only the first pattern is replaced by Nuke.
if {[regexp "\%(\[0-9\]+)d" $filename match count] == 1} {
# Removes any leading zeros.
incr count 0
# Create the padding string.
set padding ""
while {$count > 0} {
set padding "$padding#"
decr count
# Replace the pattern with the padded string.
regsub "\%\[0-9\]+d" $filename $padding filename
# Return the padded filename.
return $filename
# Check all the paths and warn user if any are local or not padded.
proc CheckFilePaths { submitScript } {
set theNodes [nodes]
set warningMessages ""
# Warn if there are no outputs.
set outputCount 0
foreach node $theNodes {
if {[class $node] == "Write" && [knob $node.disable] != true } {
incr outputCount
if {$outputCount == 0} {
set warningMessages $warningMessages$warning
# Check all the output filenames if they are local or not padded (non-movie files only).
foreach node $theNodes {
if {[class $node] == "Write" && [knob $node.disable] != true } {
if {[IsPathLocal [filename $node]]} {
set warning "Output path \"[filename $node]\" is local.\n"
set warningMessages $warningMessages$warning
if {![IsMovie [filename $node]] && ![IsFilenamePadded [filename $node]]} {
set warning "Output path \"[filename $node]\" is not padded.\n"
set warningMessages $warningMessages$warning
# Check if the script file is local and not being submitted to Deadline.
if {! $submitScript} {
if {[IsPathLocal [knob]]} {
set warning "Script path \"[knob]\" is local and is not being submitted to Deadline.\n"
set warningMessages $warningMessages$warning
# If there are any warning messages, show them to the user.
if {[string length $warningMessages] > 0 } {
if {[catch {
panel "Submission Warnings" {
{Warnings: warningMessages n }
{"Do you still wish to submit this job to Deadline?"}
} result]} {
return false
return true
# Gets a Deadline array and returns them it as a string
proc GetDeadlineArrayString { argument } {
global env
global WIN32
set tempPath ""
if {$WIN32} {
set tempPath $env(TEMP)
} else {
set tempPath "/tmp"
set outputFilename "$tempPath/output.txt"
set exitCodeFilename "$tempPath/exitCode.txt"
# Query Deadline.
#exec "deadlinecommandbg" "-outputFiles" $outputFilename $exitCodeFilename $argument
if {[file exists "/Applications/Deadline/Resources/bin/deadlinecommandbg"] == 1} {
exec "/Applications/Deadline/Resources/bin/deadlinecommandbg" "-outputFiles" $outputFilename $exitCodeFilename $argument
} else {
exec "deadlinecommandbg" "-outputFiles" $outputFilename $exitCodeFilename $argument
# Open the file and read in the results.
set arrayString ""
catch {set fileid [open $outputFilename r]}
while {[gets $fileid line] >= 0} {
set arrayString [concat $arrayString "\"$line\""]
close $fileid
# Return the array string.
return $arrayString
# Get the settings config filename.
proc GetSettingsFilename {} {
global env
global WIN32
set tempPath ""
if {$WIN32} {
set tempPath $env(TEMP)
} else {
set tempPath "/tmp"
set outputFilename "$tempPath/output.txt"
set exitCodeFilename "$tempPath/exitCode.txt"
# Query Deadline.
#exec "deadlinecommandbg" "-outputFiles" $outputFilename $exitCodeFilename "-getsettingsdirectory"
if {[file exists "/Applications/Deadline/Resources/bin/deadlinecommandbg"] == 1} {
exec "/Applications/Deadline/Resources/bin/deadlinecommandbg" "-outputFiles" $outputFilename $exitCodeFilename "-getsettingsdirectory"
} else {
exec "deadlinecommandbg" "-outputFiles" $outputFilename $exitCodeFilename "-getsettingsdirectory"
# Open the file and read the first line.
catch {set fileid [open $outputFilename r]}
gets $fileid settingsRoot
close $fileid
set settingsFilename [file join $settingsRoot "NukeDeadlineConfig.ini"]
return $settingsFilename
# Main Script
# Some global variables.
global env
global nuke_version_major
global WIN32
set tempPath ""
if {$WIN32} {
set tempPath $env(TEMP)
} else {
set tempPath "/tmp"
# Save the file in case the user hasn't done it.
script_save [knob]
# Filenames to use.
set outputFilename "$tempPath/output.txt"
set exitCodeFilename "$tempPath/exitCode.txt"
set submitInfoFile "$tempPath/nuke_submit_info.job"
set pluginInfoFile "$tempPath/nuke_plugin_info.job"
set deadlineTempTclFile "$tempPath/TempSubmitToDeadline.tcl"
set deadlineConfigFile [GetSettingsFilename]
# Get the nodes.
set theNodes [nodes]
# Get the Deadline arrays.
set groups [GetDeadlineArrayString "-groups"]
set pools [GetDeadlineArrayString "-pools"]
set onJobCompletes ""
set onJobCompletes [concat $onJobCompletes "\"Nothing\""]
set onJobCompletes [concat $onJobCompletes "\"Archive\""]
set onJobCompletes [concat $onJobCompletes "\"Delete\""]
set builds ""
set builds [concat $builds "\"None\""]
set builds [concat $builds "\"32bit\""]
set builds [concat $builds "\"64bit\""]
# Set the job name and frame range default values.
set jobName [file tail [knob]]
set frames "[knob root.first_frame]-[knob root.last_frame]"
# Set the other default values.
set comment ""
set taskTimeout "0"
set threadCount 0
set ramUsage 0
# Set the default for these sticky settings.
set department ""
set group "none"
set pool "none"
set build "None"
set priority "50"
set machineLimit "0"
set chunkSize 1
set submitSuspended false
set onJobComplete "Nothing"
set submitScript 1
set separateJobs false
# Try to read in the sticky settings.
catch {
set fileid [open $deadlineConfigFile r]
# First read in the sticky settings.
gets $fileid initDepartment
gets $fileid initGroup
gets $fileid initPool
gets $fileid initPriority
gets $fileid initMachineLimit
gets $fileid initChunkSize
gets $fileid initSubmitSuspended
gets $fileid initSubmitScript
gets $fileid initLimitGroup
gets $fileid initSeparateJobs
close $fileid
# Now set them if no error occurred while reading.
set department $initDepartment
set group $initGroup
set pool $initPool
set limitGroup $initLimitGroup
if {[IsInteger $initPriority]} {
set priority $initPriority
if {[IsInteger $initMachineLimit]} {
set machineLimit $initMachineLimit
if {[IsInteger $initChunkSize]} {
set chunkSize $initChunkSize
if {[IsBoolean $initSubmitSuspended]} {
set submitSuspended $initSubmitSuspended
if {[IsBoolean $initSubmitScript]} {
set submitScript $initSubmitScript
if {[IsBoolean $initSeparateJobs]} {
set separateJobs $initSeparateJobs
set errors true
while { $errors } {
set errors false
# Dynamically create the actual submission dialog. This was the only
# way I could figure out to set the pools and group combo boxes.
catch {set fileid [open $deadlineTempTclFile w]}
puts $fileid "panel -w500 \"Submit Nuke To Deadline\" {"
puts $fileid " { \"Job Name\" jobName }"
puts $fileid " { \"Comment\" comment }"
puts $fileid " { \"Department\" department }"
puts $fileid " { \"Pool\" pool e { $pools } }"
puts $fileid " { \"Group\" group e { $groups } }"
puts $fileid " { \"Priority (0 to 100)\" priority x}"
puts $fileid " { \"Machine Limit (0 for no limit)\" machineLimit x}"
puts $fileid " { \"Task Timeout (0 for no timeout)\" taskTimeout x}"
puts $fileid " { \"Limit Groups (separate with commas)\" limitGroup }"
puts $fileid " { \"On Job Complete\" onJobComplete e { $onJobCompletes } }"
puts $fileid " { \"Submit As Suspended\" submitSuspended b }"
puts $fileid " { \"Frame List\" frames }"
puts $fileid " { \"Task Chunk Size (1 or greater)\" chunkSize x}"
puts $fileid " { \"Render Threads (0 to use default)\" threadCount x}"
puts $fileid " { \"Max RAM Usage (0 to use default)\" ramUsage x}"
puts $fileid " { \"Build\" build e { $builds } }"
puts $fileid " { \"Submit Each Write Node As A Separate Job\" separateJobs b }"
puts $fileid " { \"Submit Nuke Scene File\" submitScript b }"
puts $fileid "}"
close $fileid
# Source the submission dialog script, and return if there is an error
# or if the user cancels the dialog.
if {[ catch {
source $deadlineTempTclFile
} ]} {
# Check priority value.
if {![IsInteger $priority]} {
message "Priority value $priority is not a valid integer"
set priority 50
set errors true
if { $priority < 0 || $priority > 100 } {
message "Priority value must be between 0 and 100 inclusive"
set priority 50
set errors true
# Check machine limit value.
if {![IsInteger $machineLimit]} {
message "Machine Limit value $machineLimit is not a valid integer"
set machineLimit 0
set errors true
# Check task timeout value.
if {![IsInteger $taskTimeout]} {
message "Task Timeout value $taskTimeout is not a valid integer"
set taskTimeout 0
set errors true
# Check task chunk size value.
if {![IsInteger $chunkSize]} {
message "Task Chunk Size value $chunkSize is not a valid integer"
set chunkSize 1
set errors true
if { $chunkSize < 1 } {
message "Task Chunk Size must be greater than or equal to 1"
set chunkSize 1
set errors true
# Check render threads value.
if {![IsInteger $threadCount]} {
message "Render Threads value $threadCount is not a valid integer"
set threadCount 0
set errors true
# Check ram usage value.
if {![IsInteger $ramUsage]} {
message "Max RAM Usage value $ramUsage is not a valid integer"
set ramUsage 0
set errors true
# Write all the sticky settings to the config file.
catch {set fileid [open $deadlineConfigFile w]}
puts $fileid "$department"
puts $fileid "$group"
puts $fileid "$pool"
puts $fileid "$priority"
puts $fileid "$machineLimit"
puts $fileid "$chunkSize"
puts $fileid "$submitSuspended"
puts $fileid "$submitScript"
puts $fileid "$limitGroup"
puts $fileid "$separateJobs"
close $fileid
# Check file paths.
if {![CheckFilePaths $submitScript]} {
# Check if we should be submitting a separate job for each write node.
set resultsString ""
foreach node $theNodes {
# Check if we should enter the loop for this node.
set enterLoop false
if {!$separateJobs} {
set enterLoop true
} elseif {[class $node] == "Write" && [knob $node.disable] != true} {
set enterLoop true
if {$enterLoop} {
# Get correct chunk size and job name.
set tempJobName $jobName
set tempChunkSize $chunkSize
if {$separateJobs} {
set writeNodeName [knob $]
set tempChunkSize [GetChunkSizeForWriteNode $writeNodeName $chunkSize]
set tempJobName [concat $jobName " - $writeNodeName"]
# Create the submission info file.
catch {set fileid [open $submitInfoFile w]}
puts $fileid "Plugin=Nuke"
puts $fileid "Name=$tempJobName"
puts $fileid "Comment=$comment"
puts $fileid "Department=$department"
puts $fileid "Group=$group"
puts $fileid "Pool=$pool"
puts $fileid "Priority=$priority"
puts $fileid "MachineLimit=$machineLimit"
puts $fileid "TaskTimeoutMinutes=$taskTimeout"
puts $fileid "OnJobComplete=$onJobComplete"
puts $fileid "Frames=$frames"
puts $fileid "ChunkSize=$tempChunkSize"
puts $fileid "LimitGroups=$limitGroup"
# Check if the job should be submitted as suspended.
if {$submitSuspended} {
puts $fileid "InitialStatus=Suspended"
if {!$separateJobs} {
# Add all the padded output filenames - and create the output directory.
set index 0
foreach tempNode $theNodes {
if {[class $tempNode] == "Write" && [knob $tempNode.disable] != true } {
file mkdir [file dirname [filename $tempNode]]
set outputfile [GetPaddedFilename [filename $tempNode]]
puts $fileid "OutputFilename$index=$outputfile"
incr index
} else {
file mkdir [file dirname [filename $node]]
set outputfile [GetPaddedFilename [filename $node]]
puts $fileid "OutputFilename0=$outputfile"
close $fileid
# Create the plugin info file.
catch {set fileid [open $pluginInfoFile w]}
puts $fileid "Version=$nuke_version_major"
puts $fileid "Build=$build"
puts $fileid "Threads=$threadCount"
puts $fileid "RamUse=$ramUsage"
if {$separateJobs} {
set writeNodeName [knob $]
puts $fileid "WriteNode=$writeNodeName"
if {!$submitScript} {
puts $fileid "SceneFile=[knob]"
close $fileid
# Submit the job to Deadline.
catch {
if {$submitScript} {
if {[file exists "/Applications/Deadline/Resources/bin/deadlinecommandbg"] == 1} {
exec "/Applications/Deadline/Resources/bin/deadlinecommandbg" "-outputFiles" $outputFilename $exitCodeFilename $submitInfoFile $pluginInfoFile [knob]
} else {
exec "deadlinecommandbg" "-outputFiles" $outputFilename $exitCodeFilename $submitInfoFile $pluginInfoFile [knob]
} else {
if {[file exists "/Applications/Deadline/Resources/bin/deadlinecommandbg"] == 1} {
exec "/Applications/Deadline/Resources/bin/deadlinecommandbg" "-outputFiles" $outputFilename $exitCodeFilename $submitInfoFile $pluginInfoFile
} else {
exec "deadlinecommandbg" "-outputFiles" $outputFilename $exitCodeFilename $submitInfoFile $pluginInfoFile
# Append the results.
catch {set fileid [open $outputFilename r]}
set tempResultsString [read $fileid]
close $fileid
set resultsString [concat $resultsString "$tempResultsString\n\n"]
# If we're only submitting one job, then break here.
if {!$separateJobs} {
# Show the results to the user.
message $resultsString
Then I got the unwanted black edges popping in as shown below.
original frame
Rendered from new smooth camera (black edges at the top and left of the frame), sometimes edges appear at the bottom and/or to the right of the frame.
3D perspective
How can I properly fill in the black edges as the foliage is waving pretty much all the time? (windy day during the shoot)
For the ground, since it is pretty much static, I though about render to uv in the ScanlineRender and paint & extend it, project the still frame back to cover up the black edge. But this (single frame projection) approach does not work for moving foliage. Is there a way I can fix this without "push-in" to sacrifice resolution and soften the plate?
Any comment will be appreciated. Thanks. 🙂
-Jason H.
Is there a way to preserve start timecode from DPX metadata to QT?
In other words if my frame 1 DPX has a metadata with start TC 00:00:10:10 time my QT (generated in Nuke) would start with TC 00:00:10:10?