multiple CurveTool nodes executed on frame by frame basis?


I have many CurveTool nodes in the script sampling Avg. Intensities of cropped areas of the same source image sequence for further processing downstream. Is there a way to:

1. execute all CurveTool nodes (make them "Go") in the script on a frame by frame basis as you scrub through the timeline, and better yet,

2. the CurveTool will dynamically re-calculate the Avg. Intensities themselves as the input data changed even for the same frame.

If there is a better node/command for dynamically sampling Avg. intensities of specified areas of an image (or image sequence) as the image being modified upstream, I would love to know.


Camera projection

Is it possible to project onto the same sphere or 3d object ,multiple camera projections? each time i try to place the project node onto the sphere it cuts the other project node off….


Nuke Shortkey help

I am a Shake user and i am doing the converesion to Nuke. I waasnt able to find some of the shortkey. Below is a list of question i have, hopw someone can help me with it.

1 :Alignment Node to Grid is by pressing —- \ (backslach), this will align all the node withing the script to the grid. What if I wanna jus align a few nodes to grid, what’s the shortkey?

2: In shake i am able to use the Byte Node to switch between 8 ,16 and float. Am i still able to have this node in Nuke?

Setting node states on render

Hi all

Not being a great python person I was hoping some could help with this.

I want to be able to disable and or enable nodes on render plus be able to change knob values on render any help would be great.

I a, guessing this is done in the python tab of the write node.


Eval a TCL knob value and feed it to Python

So I have a gizmo which contains a Write node driven by the gizmo switches (how original!). The Write has this in filename knob


[value rdir]/finals/[value shot]/NK_[value shot].%03d.dpx

I want to pick up the evaluated string in this field and feed it to a Py script on "before render" to make directories (even more original!). However, getValue() on the filename gives me the non-evaluated TCL.



Is there a way to get the evaluated knob value via Python?

Shakes’s smoothCam in Nuke

Hi everyone,
does anybody know a plug in or technique in Nuke to do what Shake’s SmoothCam does? I have a very bumy dolly shot that I need to get smooth but I can’t figure out how to do it in Nuke.
I hope someone can help me!!!

Nuke 101 Courses

hey guys any of you have the taken these nuke 101 courses..
i guess hugo is taking one of them at soho london..
i wanted to know more about them
though i have been using nuke for some time now (absolutly love it)
but i would realy love to have a one on one session..


any coments on this…………..

Questions about Nuke & Object Tracking

Hi. I was wondering if anybody has had any experience with doing object tracking in Nuke? I understand this can be done on a locked shot by regarding the object tracking as a camera track. What about a moving object within a moving shot? Can it be done within Nuke, or would you have to do it externally in Pftrack/Syntheyes/etc? If so, can anyone shed any light on the basic workflow surrounding this?

Scanline Renderer Depth

So, what exactly is Nuke outputting from the Scanline Renderer depth channel? The value seems to be less for an area that is farther away from the camera, and more for an area that is near to the camera. I’m not sure exactly where this is coming from, and I’m quite confused. Can anybody give me a hint for exactly what that value is, so I can sensibly do math with it?

3D problem

Hi all,

what do I need to do to make one card/geo cast a shadow on the one immediately beneath it?