Urgent Help………
Posted in: NUKE from The FoundryI am stuck in a small issue which I wanted to know how can I import camera data from maya to nuke. I can import the data easily but the issue is that my image’s attributes are getting disturbed in it and the footage is getting offset from the camera position, even the same footage is being tracked in pftrack and brought its camera into maya and did few more frames of animation from the last frame but its not getting me matched the last frames in nuke through the camera data from maya to nuke.
Feature I wish Nuke had…
Posted in: NUKE from The FoundryI always either have to 1) pipe them back into a ton of nodes downstream, which results in a mess of lines everywhere or 2)create a bunch of duplicate cameras everywhere
If you are in mumbai and want to learn Latest VFX trends and tricks plzz let me know , its been 2 years i am a part of VFX , Worked on more than 16 Bollywood films and Ads , and now am into Conversion ( 2D to 3D, Steroscopy) …i will be pleased to share all my knowledge and try to build a new generation of VFX artists….
Softwares :
Nuke X 6.0
Eyeon Fusion
For 3d Tracking
Thanking you ,
email : bhubha2000@gmail.com
looking for your support
Shake’s Scroll node in Nuke
Posted in: NUKE from The FoundryI wrote one already, but just wanted to check if it’s not already built-in.
reading EXR types
Posted in: NUKE from The FoundryI wounder if there is a way when opening an EXR file in Nuke. that it will tell us what type of compression it has.
for example
it can say its zip or rle.
I know i can have these option when I write out as EXR..but what about reading them ?
IBK using a clean plate.
Posted in: NUKE from The Foundryregards
I’m having a hard time importing my 3D text from Cinema 4D into Nuke..
I make the text, use an extract-Nurb and export it, but -as you can see from the attached images- Nuke can’t really handle it. I’m sure there’s a switch that would do the trick.. but so far I’m kinda stuck and a little bit confused.. (as you must have guessed I’m nothing like a 3D-guy 😉
Thanks for your help!