matchmover -> maya – trackingpoints ja – sequence nein?

Einen wunderschönen guten abend,

ich habe folgendes problem,
ich tracke eine längere sequence mit matchmover und exportiere das ganze danach für maya 2010.
dummerweise sehe ich in maya dann nur die trackinpoints und die cam – keine sequenze (bilder).

ich mache das ganze zum erstem mal mit eigener footage. habe vorher ein kleines tutorial gemacht mit einer bereitgestellten sequence – damit hatte ich nach dem speichern in maya die punkte, cam UND meine sequence im hintergrund.

hatte jemand schonmal ein ähnliches problem?
wäre für jede hilfe dankbar.


Queuing OS X render droplets for Maya, AE, and Nuke. . .

Updated my OS X render droplet apps to queue up into terminal, so you can easily fire off AE, Maya, and Nuke renders into one terminal window and have them properly queue up one after the other.

Render Q droplets

Demo video on my site. Enjoy!

Network Render?

I have 18 units of Dell Optiplex 380 (they are all identiccal and each equipped with a 2.93 GHz Cpu and 2GB RAM). I will/have a Dell Precision T3500 (3.2Ghz and 12GB RAM). When it comes to rendering scenes (using MentalRay or RenderMan) which will be faster:

a) Rendering on Dell Precision

b) Rendering on the network

thanks your for your help in advance..

Remove beauty pass from individual render passes?

Hello everyone,

I am attempting to render out individual passes and each pass seems to be including the beauty pass as well. Is there a way to remove the beauty pass from each individual pass so it doesn’t render it 7 or 8 times?

Thank you very much.

Best regards,

“Vray”–should i go for it ?

Hello vfxtalkers, Needed a thought on this.I am currently on a upcoming project which lots of photo realistic car rendering stuff.i will be shooting the bg plates and then compositing the cg car in the plates.I will be on vray for maya i just wanted to know that do vray and vray car paint materials has that capability to handle photo realistic car animation? will it be fast enough so that i can get the renders done in a genuine amount of time? I know vray is good enough in still shots but i do not know about animation sequences and should i go for it in my pipeline.Waiting for your feedback.Thanks. 🙂

Different darkness, same textures. Any ideas?

As stated in the title my rendering doesn’t come out well.

Using Maya 2010 and rendering with MR

On top of my espressomaker it is supposed to be black – plastic, although one part gets much more black than the other, it seems like it doesn’t receive any lights at all.

I’m using the same material, a modified Mia_material_x.
Settings in the two objects is the same.. atleast how far i’ve checked, tried to group them up although that doesn’t change anything.
The MRsettings in the polysurface – shape is the same and there i tried to look if it was the light emitting from an strange angle so i changed it to emit from the top of the two objects. Doesn’t matter either.

I’m really stuck here after hours of changing and testing.. Anyone got some ideas what went wrong?

If there are some info missing please feel free to tell.

Best regards

Black Goo in Spiderman 3

I am interested in making the same sort of black goo from Spiderman 3 for a project. I have read interviews with the guys who worked on the FX, and they mentioned using Maya and of course the industry-standard Renderman. They also mentioned to get the goo to work was by using curves in Maya.

What I don’t get is how they can get curves to behave this way? It’s as if the creature made quick, snapping movements like a spider on steroids. Almost as if it had to wrap itself up ahead and pull itself along.

Anyone have any suggestions for getting such an effect? I tried Youtube for a good sample video, but all I can find is the Church Scene, and that doesn’t show the creepy crawly goo moving around.

cube rig

I m fresher in rigging.
I want to make a rigged cube with following possibilities

Changes cube shape
vertex controled shapes
Changes cube size in x, y, z, xyz
Squash and Stretch
and more posibilities

make it so flexible so that i can animate like a character expressions
please hep me to create this rig.

Is MEL script and expression the same ?

Is MEL script and expression the same ?

hair help!

now i just do some test about the hair ,and where i can find some Valuable documents.

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