Can we animate the distortion of a footage in syntheyes or any other tracking software ? :confused:
after tracking a lens corrected sequence in boujou i want to re-distort the rendered images.
after setting up the "Lens Adjust External Sequence" dialog and hitting "save" i get the following message: "Input sequence is wrong size".
the camera is set up to 1920×1080 (HDTV), same dimensions as the imported sequence. the rendered .tiff sequence is also 1920×1080 in size and has an alpha channel which should be supported by boujou (checked manual).
does anybody know whats wrong here? there is no information in the manual about this error message.
thx alot,
SteadyMove pro didnt work either….
BouJou4 UI problem
Posted in: Matchmoving SoftwareUsing Boujou 4 on an NT system.
I cannot get my Zoom flyout to return in the interface. This is normally docked in the right hand panel, with overlays and model. The tab no longer exists for it.
I had this panel as a floater, which was on the second monitor. I closed it and now cannot make it return.
I’ve searched the entire desktop to see if it was possibly hidden beneath something. (yeah I know,. like as if it hid itself beneath an icon)
Right clicking on a blank panel area and turning ‘zoom’ back on does nothing.
Going to View>panes> and turning on zoom does nothing.
The software was uninstalled and it’s folders removed. It was then reinstalled and the old configuration remained.
I cannot locate the folder/files(s) that contains the general default settings for the program. There is definitely a folder on the drives somewhere which stores history or recent files accessed as I see these listed in the File dropdown after a fresh install.
I’ve read in relase notes that there is something buggy with the toolboxs becoming hidden. Of course I find no info on resettting the UI to unhide them.
Your help would be greatly appreciatted.