Problem in Tracking

I have a 71 frame hand held shot which i have to track,its has tons of motion blur in it in between from frame 30-49,i have done 2d track on it with close to 100 user features,but some how pf track cant solve for 2-4 frames mainly between 30-34 even though i have given enough tracking features,
it gives error "critical failure and cud not solve frame 32"

help help help

Need help solving this shot!

Im a student and Im looking for some advice about a project that Im currently working on. The concept of the video is twins that draw characters in condensation on a series of windows. The characters then come to life by means of 2d animation composited on to the windows. The condensation effect will also be composited. I wanted to get a 3d camera solution but im running into a some problems solving the shot.

One of the biggest problems is that the camera used was a Sony EX1 with the rolling shutter issue, the other issue is that the shot is pretty long. I do have access to the rolling shutter plugin but im not sure how to use it. I have applied it to the best of my knowledge but I still cant seem to get a solution. Ive also tried both pftrack ands syntheyes, Syntheyes is actually more enjoyable to work with, being way faster and it almost gets a usable solution. So far I have only been able to solve the first few seconds and not sure how to extend the solution using syntheyes.

I guess what Im after is a proper workflow, like how to prep the footage for tracking and then how to deal with such a long camera move.

here is the clip any suggestions would be great, Ive been having a hell of a time trying to solve this thing.


Reel Question

Hey guys, I am getting ready to start planning out a demo reel for this year. While I was in school, they paired matchmoving with compositing/ matte paintings.

I understand that they go well together, and I have a healthy knowledge with Shake…but Shakes dead. I need to get some hands on Nuke training either online or auditing a class.

I really enjoy Matchmoving, I bought a Cannon XL2 and a Syntheyes 2007 License shortly before graduating. But I have one question….

Would it be foolish to just focus on Matchmoving in a Demo Reel?

Also… right after I bought that XL2 alot of consumer / pro-sumer HD cameras came out. Should I just break down and shoot with one of those? Or is the XL2 still a good camera to be using?

Anamorphic workflow in Syntheyes

Hello guys,
I wonder if anyone can help me jumpstarting an anamorphic workflow in Syntheyes.
The project was shot on anamorphic Hawk lenses. The film is very green screen heavy, and often, there are no features (horizontal or vertical lines) that would help me figure out the lens distortion. All I’ve got, 90% of the time, is a green screen backdrop and the characters in front of it.
I know the focal length for each of the shots, however, it isn’t of much help, since it seems that Syntheyes automatically calculates the Field of View based on the focal length — but the Field of View it gives me is wrong (since the lens is anamorphic.) At the same time, I cannot really do anything meaningful in the Image Preparation panel, since I don’t have any lines in the shot to go by, as distortion reference.
Any ideas on what needs to be done, in this case? Our 3D guys have the cameras set up for a particular FOV/Focal Length relationship in Maya, which works for them, and I suppose I could just feed their settings in Syntheyes’ Lens Preparation panel, but Syntheyes wouldn’t let me enter these values separately: they seem to be linked, and I can either enter a correct FOV with an incorrect Focal Length, or the other way around…
Any tips would be greatly appreciated!

Autodesk MATCH MOVER2011

can someone help me also let me know how to do motion capture with match mover software..? and also help me finding some use full tuts regarding this topic motion capture


Boujou: Is there a way to combine solves?

So… I read on this forum that it is possible to combine solves through your 3d app, and i also read somewhere saying the same thing, but the method is different.

Though, i don’t know what this whole baking camera is, or what this poster means by parenting the camera, i’ve tried it but it doesn’t quite work how that poster explained it.

And i thought you only bake something if it is a simulation (like objects affected by particles).

So now what it comes down for me, are two questions:

1: Going to be an extreme noob question. When i export boujou solves to maya, it always gives me the point clouds. Exactly what are the point clouds for? Is there a script in the camera that defines its movements based on the points?

2: Can someone explain to me how to actually stitch solves like how andyburm stated? But in a more detailed way? And how would i render the stitched solves out as another footage?

the reason i ask these questions, is because i am trying to track a footage that has TONS of motion blur. it has about 1403 frames, and Boujou tracks everything just fine EXCEPT frame 878 (because it’s super blurred). And when Boujou is done tracking and solving, it becomes like 18 solves. And i’m wondering if there is a way to create one solid camera movement (like for that ONE frame i move the camera manually or something).

I can’t post the footage unfortunately as i don’t have rights to. but yeah… just asking if there is a way…

DistoIma utility available anywhere online?

Hi, everyone,

Anyone knows if this lens distortion correction utility, Distolma, previously free downloadable through RealViz, still available somewhere online?

I am trying to set up image plane in Maya for a scene calibrated and exported from ImageModeler so I can do Image-based Modeling in Maya based on un-distorted images.

Any pointer will be much appreciated.


reference frames in syntheyes..

hi there
i am reading user manual but i couldn t figure out..i am doing as he said
1)first of all i tracked 9 photos each white ball
2)i added video
3)i dont know what i am going to do next..
thank you..

any 3d equaliser tutorials?

HI guys,

I am looking for 3d equaliser tutorials.
Are there any tuts other than the one in their site.

thanks in advance.:)

Kuper To Maya anyone???

Hey guys,

at the studio we’re doing some Motion Control tests, we already got the footage we need and the MoCo guy gave us an ASCII file from Kuper… he told us we can import it to Maya with Kuper Tools… not true!!!!

I need help!!! I have an ASCII file with Virtual Axes (VTrack, VEW, VNS, VPan, VTilt) and I need to get it to work inside Maya parameters.

Anyone??? :rolleyes: