pftrack – failed frames

is there anything i can do to prevent failed frames.

all my user track are green an it jus fails im using a cannon vixia hfm30
with 1920×1080 captures. any thoughts as to what i can do to prep before i shoot. thanks

Boujou 5 ground plane question

I’m just learning this program, and I have a shot that tracked well in boujou and works great for some compositing and particle work I am doing in After Effects.

I was going to play with the footage in a 3D app, but my ground plane seems off. In boujou, when I go to the 3D view, the ground plane is pretty spot on, and all my track points sit right on top of it.

In 2D view, the ground plane is close to the right orientation, yet it hovers a good deal above the actual ground plane?

Why are these two so different, and will it make any difference when I head into the 3D app (3dsMax).

Searching for beta testers (Matchmoving)

Hi everyone,

at Scenespector we are about to release a major upgrade to our software product VooCAT. The new version will include new features, a new GUI and a new installer system.

For stability testing we are currently searching for additional beta testers who would be willing to try out this new version before release.

The main focus of the test will be 3 things:

– bugs in the main program in general. including non working exports
– bugs in the installer routine (the first betas might not have an installer yet though)
– comparison between the old and new version (what do you like/dislike in which version)

If you are interested in helping out, please give us a short notice at for more details. For more info about the program itself, please check our website…

many thanks and best regards


Understanding test objects in pftrack


trying to get to grips with this aspect of the software.

I can place them in the scene with different degress of success – what I don’t understand is the workflow of movin their corner pins between frames. Should I improve the track after this? Is it something that has to be done a few times until the test object sticks without adjusting it in different frames? And unless I am trying to align one to the grid, how should I tell if it’s depth is correct when I estimate it’s position between shots (on a door way or window frame for example?).

If anyone could provide a little info on how these work and how they fit into their workflow I would appreciate it.



Just starting out with pftrack – missing something fundamental?


I’m a junior 3D artist and starting out with matchmoving for the first time.

I am trying to track a test shot from hollywood camera with a green set with markers. I am hacing difficulty with what should be a simple shot.

I have been auto tracking, which looks to be succesfull, but the solve is bad. Tracks which looked good became solve points that are in the wrong space in 3D (ie ones that should be planar are not).

I’ve tried using planar constraints on both the tracks, and after tracking on the solve points – is either any more correct? I though doing this would force certain points to be planar but this doesn’t seem to be the case – after improving the solve, the points still do not appear planar.

I have watched some tutorials of good quality but seem to be missing something.

I guess I am asking for some beginners pointers and if I am going wrong somewhere.



Advice on this pan track?

Hey guys!
So I’m working on this pan shot now. I seem to have a pretty good track from what I can see. The ground plane in PFTrack is perfectly steady and follows everything like it should. My question is, I have some 2D tracks that PFTrack decided to ignore in the solve. Any ideas on how to improve the solve? There is this part in the beginning where three people walk across the screen and interrupt the track and its really annoying. Any idea on how to cover that part of the scene?

As far as I can see though, I’m pretty much done. Unless I’m missing something.


Thanks in advance!

This is the footage: (266.9 MB. Sorry its really big.)

This is the track:

Also please let me know what version of PFTrack you manage to open this track file on. I worked on it using 5.0r4 and I hope that r10 and r11 can open this or I’m screwed lol.

Synheyes 2011 in beta

In case everyone missed this…

Very interesting improvements and accelerators.

….and then the peasants rejoiced.


Hi All,
I have followed the basic tracking tutorial on the pixel farm website and it all seems to have gone well in the program, until I export the data to cinema4d when I bring it in the points dont match up to the video like they did in pftrack.
Any obvious reason this might have happened?

Exporting Masks from Pftrack

Any way to export mask from pf track or save the masks.
Any Help would be greatly appreciated.

stabilize with PFtrack – AE

What is the the method of using PFtrack to stabilize. I have used a 2d tracker and tried smoothing the curves a bit on this plate, but for whatever reason I am still getting high frequency chatter in the 2D solution. SO…I am busting out PFtrack to do a stabilize. I am familiar with pfTrack but never done a stabilization with it. Where is the inversion process and what is the method of it?
PFtracks user guide does not have the word stabilization or stabilize?

I will export my track to AE.
There must be a better way than have to 2d track a fake tracking marker from a 3D solve.

Thanks for your help!