Andre Maat Superelectric: Fox Cult IDs

Directing duo Superelectric (Henk Loorbach) & Andre Maat created this series ( part 1 / part 2 ) of idents for Fox Cult (Italy). Produced with Pool Worldwide, these pieces were an off-shoot of a music video Superelectric had done for Kraak n Smack. Simple, seamless and clever executions make each one of these 17 idents an enjoyable watch. Additionally, the palette and quirk of their art direction keep them planted in the Dutch world of whimsy.

You may have also caught this video I posted in January for De Staat. Keep your eyes on these fellas in 09.


Directors: Andre Maat & Henk Loorbach (aka Superelectric)
Creatives: Elena Frova & Mauro Zinni, Fox Italy
Producer: William Griffioen
Production Company: Pool Worldwide, Amsterdam
DOP: Gabor Deak
Edit & Compositing: Andre Maat & Superelectric
Online: Crabsalad
Art: Goof @ Jelier & Schaaf

Posted on Motionographer

Andre Maat & Superelectric: Fox Cult IDs

Stem Agency

The Stem Agency have some solid talent on their roster.

Strukt: Toca Me 2009


The talented people over at Strukt had a big act to follow after Dvein’s opening titles for last years Toca Me conference, but they pulled off something fantastic.

They took the theme “Hit by Inspiration” quite literally and ran with it. The blooming spheres visit every desaturated color of the spectrum, but still live in the same world and make me wish that tiny little balls of inspiration would fall from the sky and bonk me on the head.

Watch it here

Creative Director: Andreas Koller
3D Animation: Andreas Koller, Nina Juric
Music: The Metronome
Compositing: Gregor Hofbauer
Camera & Lighting Wolfgang Maier
Talent Marcos Miranda

Posted on Motionographer

Strukt: Toca Me 2009

yU+Co: The Watchmen Titles

NOTE: This title sequence was removed at the request of Warner Bros. I will never understand Hollywood’s approach to free publicity. Persistent souls will still find the titles elsewhere online.


yU+Co and director Zach Snyder teamed up to create this epic title sequence for the eagerly anticipated “The Watchmen”, which opened in theaters today.

The title sequence sets up the movie by traveling through several stylized time periods beginning in 1939 and ending in 1985. Vintage superheroes take stage as dynamic slow motion and selective movement empower each shot with beauty and intrigue.

From the yU+Co release:

The challenge for yU+co. was integrating titles into an already edited six-minute sequence that was built without the placement of titles in mind. In order to make the titles feel like an organic part of the sequence, Yu and his creative team wove meticulous detail into the type design. Rather then simply lay 2D type onto the foreground of the live action, it is incorporated in 3D into each scene.

According to Director Zach Snyder (via Fandango);

From the very beginning I wanted to do a cool title sequence for the movie and it was actually the thing that got me started drawing Watchmen because they were trying to figure out how much this movie was going to cost. I said it’s really impossible to say until I start drawing the movie and a get a sense of what the movie is…

So I literally went to the beginning of the movie and started drawing. It was funny because I had the music—I was pretty positive that it was going to be Bob Dylan’s “The Times They Are A-Changin’.” Then it started to take shape for me as we really find out where we are in the world, and that’s how that sequence came about, tracing the alternate history.

The result is an imagined yet nostalgetic superhero landscape, setting up the film to be, hopefully, as inspired as the title sequence itself.

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yU+Co: The Watchmen Titles

F5 VIP Pre-Party


We’ve firmed up our plans for the F5 VIP pre-party on the evening of April 15th, and it’s going to be hot. I don’t want to ruin the surprise, but I can tell you it will involve alcohol, rock stars and bikinis.

We really wish we could include everyone in the festivities, but we can’t. Here’s what we’ll do instead:

If you’re registered for F5 before Friday, March 13th, we’ll include you in a random selection for 10 VIP (+1) passes. Those who win will get to rub shoulders with F5’s speakers, sponsors and a clutch of honored guests at the pre-party.

Posted on Motionographer

F5 VIP Pre-Party

David O’Reilly: Please Say Something

If you keep tabs on our Quickies, you saw fans of David O’Reilly’s “Please Say Something” pleading with us for a more detailed look at his amazing short film.


Motionographer community, you’re right. It’s a brilliant piece of art, and we’re glad to hoist it up and interview the man himself.

Unlike Octocat (O’Reilly’s output under a teenage pseudonym), Please Say Something is a sinister story of love. Characters shuffle between states of consciousness, explore O’Reilly’s common theme of absent love, and live in a crudely rendered world that feels simultaneously empty and lush.

Doing what other people don’t is how O’Reilly rolls. Narrative risk-taking, boldness in aesthetic simplification, and self-imposed creative rules lead to epic creation. PSS is strange, insanely original, and some of the most authentic storytelling you’ll ever see.

Read our interview with David O’Reilly here.

Posted on Motionographer

David O’Reilly: Please Say Something

London Mograph/Animation Meeting: March 26th

Thiago Maia
and Motionographer contributor James Wignall have organized SeeNoEvil, a free bi-monthly meet-up/screening series in London.

The next meeting will be at Bodhi Gallery on Thursday the 26th of March, at 7:00PM, featuring an official screening of the eagerly awaited release of PSST! Pass It On 3, among other visual and social delights.

Keep your eye on the SeeNoEvil site for future meetings.

Posted on Motionographer

London Mograph/Animation Meeting: March 26th

Central Illustration

This illustration agency has so many talented illustrators on it’s books. Central Agency will eat most of my day up just browsing. They have also released new prints in their shop.

Smith and Foulkes: Comcast “Sing-a-Long”


For a series of four spots, Nexus Productions‘ Oscar-nominated directing duo Smith & Foulkes built a campy world brimming with detail and color for Comcast and agency Goodby, Silverstein and Partners:

(I recommend starting with “Hi Def” and “On Demand.”)

Re-playability is key. These are going to be blasted into homes over and over for months to come, so I appreciate that Smith & Foulkes and their team of unsung heroes spent so much time and energy adding in little bits for me to discover on each viewing. (That also gave interactive studio Unit 9 endless fodder for developing the companion website.)

The Kimya Dawson-esque soundtrack is either wonderful or wretched, depending on personal tastes, but it was a big factor in Smith & Foulkes’ creative process:

It was really the music that first attracted us to the Comcast project. With this as our starting point we thought it would be fun to create a world where the whole community lives to the rhythm of the music. We decided there would no cuts and the environment would be totally isometric.

That isometric approach reminds me of eBoy’s legendary illustrations, which were undoubtedly an influence on the team. But that’s not to take anything away from the outstanding work that illustrator/character-designer Chris Martin did on these spots. He brought his own unique style to bear on this project, softening the precision of the isometric perspective with his hand-drawn charm.

Adam Smith and Alan Foulkes both made cameos, by the way. See if you can spot them.


Title: ʻSing-a-Longʼ
Client: Comcast
Duration: 1 x 60″, 5 x 30″

Creative Director: Jamie Barrett
Group Creative Director: Chris Ford
ACD/Art Director: Stefan Copiz
ACD/Copywriter: Paul Charney
Copywriter: Andrew Bancroft
Producer: Ashley Sferro

Director: Smith & Foulkes
Executive Producer: Chris O’Reilly & Julia Parfitt
Producer: Isobel Conroy
Art Director / VFX Supervisor: Fletcher Moules
Illustration & Character Design: Chris Martin
3D Animation & Compositing: Nexus

c/o Bright Pictures
Exec Producer: Rudy Callegari
1st Assistant Director: Todd Lent
Director Of Photography: Ueli Steiger

Producer: Pip Malone
Interactive Director: Tim Dillon
Production: Nexus

Posted on Motionographer

Smith and Foulkes: Comcast “Sing-a-Long”

Please Say Something

This animated short ‘Please Say Something‘ is about a troubled relationship between a Cat and Mouse set in the distant Future. A wonderfully fresh style of illustration and storytelling by David OReilly, combined to great effect.