Videogioco by Milkyeyes


This one’s got a bit of the old ultra-violence, so be fore-warned. It’s all in a good bit of fun, though. No-one truly gets hurt. Videogioco, which means videogame in Italian, combines 2D drawings and flipbook-style action with a stop-motion filming process for a really unique, new take on a cartoon, action fighting sequence. The character (well, really just a part of him) moves across the paper getting stabbed, cut, hit, swallowed and kicked through the air only to be finally re-united with his body for a closing punch. The ending loops back to the beginning scene, starting the whole process, and cycle of violence, over again. Brilliant! Kudos to the makers of this amazing short.

Animation and Concept by Donato Sansone
Sound Design by Enrico Ascoli

Tip to Michael Lebowitz for spotting this!

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Burst of Beaden

The illustrative works with a Burst of Beaden from

Twenty120 Roundup “In The Age of Opulence”


Indeed, Twenty120 has come to pass. Not long ago, screenings for the festival went underway, drawing in artists across the board, and cooking up a body of work ranging from abstract animation to live action.

For those oblivious to the event, Twenty120 is a stockpile of 20 independent films that each span a length of 120 seconds. Rid of any professional constraints, artists were given full creative license, but posed to frame their work around this year’s theme, “In The Age of Opulence.”

While we at Motionographer where pleased at the overall quality from all the works, we where especially impressed by Wrights of Spring (Bryce Wymer, Daniel Pernikoff), OPRÉ (Justin Harder), and Fatty Wants A New Toy (Jon Saunders, Tony Barbieri).

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Encyclopedia Pictura Asks, How Will You Create The Universe?


Encyclopedia Pictura has struck again! The directing trio recently finished a personal animation entitled, “How Will You Create the Universe?”, inspired by the creature evolution concepts put forth by the video game Spore. Using that idea as a spring board, Encyclopedia Pictura explores what would evolve from a world if they were gods (as well as ask the viewers what they would create through verse). While creating a Universe can be hard, Encyclopedia Pictura puts all the odd pieces together just right to make a quirky, lush world that is unique to their vision.

Their sculpted style has evolved itself with the help of CG masters Tippett Studio, who brought their highly detailed designs to life. Tippet may be one of the few studios with the ability to take this style and intricate design and make something that even better looking then the stills. This animation could have easily looked like cgi trying to be claymation or borrowed from other more trendy 3d styles, instead Encyclopedia Pictura and Tippet created something brand new.


EDIT: We discovered that this was in fact originally created a year ago for a Spore ad campaign that was ultimately killed. Kudos to Encyclopedia Pictura for taking the initiative and finishing this project. Shame the client couldn’t conceive what amazing attention this spot would have given their brand.

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Minivegas Does It In Realtime


London-based directing collective, Mini Vegas, not only works on animation projects; they also do computer programming and run their own art gallery. To bring all this together, they took the programming experience they gained from working on experimental projects, such as advanced beauty, combined it with their design and animation skills and forged it into a real-time virtual version of a physical gallery space.

In this installation-like piece, the user can interact with sound driven sculptures of several forms. There are old friends like metaballs, particle systems, simulations and more. Those generative 3D elements make up the nice, rainbow-coloured, neo-futuristic shapes we all love so much.

This is all based on a custom made software architecture with quite some nice technical specs such as 60fps playback, dualcore, GPU based, OpenGL and FFT to drive the graphics from the audio — all the nerdy acronyms you want.

With computer hardware becoming increasingly faster, the final conclusion would be to completely scrap the traditional workflow of rendering in passes and just do everything in real time. Computer games already go that route, with impressing results. It will be very interesting to see this technology merging into the animation sector.

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D.A.D.D.Y. B.B.A.B

Dublin-based directing team, D.A.D.D.Y., has once again laid there quirky hand on an unlikely brand. In association with Mother, London and Blink Ink, they’ve created four fake, animated PSAs for the “British Biscuit Advisory Board” (Rocky Biscuits) to promote safe biscuit-eating practices.

Both the characters and copy are rendered with a classic, dry British wit. Here’s all four of the films: Temp Storage, Quality Control, Opening Education & Meal Health.

Client: Rocky
Agency: Mother, London
Production Company: Blinkink, London
Director: D.A.D.D.Y
Producer: James Bretton
Editor: D.A.D.D.Y
Audio Post-Production: Factory Studios

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Office Design Inspiration

Designing a new studio / office? Go check out This Ain’t No Disco for inspiration.

Different and Explore for Girl Guides


Different is a gorgeous new film by Alchemy in Toronto for the Girl Guides of Canada and agency john st.. It features stop-motion animation of paper-cut out characters with terrific lighting and inventive transitions from scene-to-scene. I found it a real joy to watch. The ultra-cute character design and illustrations are by noted illustrators Nathan Jurevicius and Andrea Kang via Lunch.


Explore by Hayley Morris is another film for Girl Guides that combines stop-motion, paper animation and cel-animation into a sweet, personal narrative that encourages girls to get outside, and to interact with each other and turn off their televisions. The playful, craft-filled world is both tactile and charming. Nicely done!

More films at the Girl Guides Online Film Festival site here.

Title: “Different
Client: Girl Guides of Canada
Project: Girl Guides Online Film Festival

Agency: john st., Toronto
Creative Directors: Stephen Jurisic, Angus Tucker
Interactive Art Director: Daniel Saunders
Writers: Jennifer Rossini, Elizabeth Whalen

Broadcast Producer: Nicole Andrisevic
Interactive Producer: Ryan O’Hagan
Project Managers: Robyn Crookshank, Tara Giacinti

Production Company: Alchemy
Director: Anthony Burns and Eric Makila
Director of Photography: Anthony Burns
Executive Producer: Stefani Kouverianos
Art Direction: Jamie Webster
Character design/Illustration: Harley and Boss (Nathan Jurevicius and Andrea Kang)
Animation & Compositing: Eric Makila and Anthony Burns

Music & Sound Design: Six Degrees (Via Lunch)

Title: “Explore

Project: Girl Guides Online Film Festival
Client: Girl Guides of Canada
Agency: john st., Toronto

Director: Hayley Morris
Writer: Hayley Morris
Production Company: Curious Pictures

Director of Photography: Hayley Morris
Executive Producer: Mary Knox
Producer: Hilary Downes
Editor & editorial company: Hayley Morris, Curious Pictures
Music & Sound Design: Hayley Morris and Evan Kultangwatana, Curious Pictures

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Schofield Is Just Getting Started Where Others Might End

Keith Schofield continues to battle it out with structure in his latest video for Lenny Kravitz & J.U.S.T.I.C.E, “Let Love Rule” via El Nino Productions. When a film ends, Keith’s is just beginning. The end-credit sequence becomes the bed for a tale in which the scrolling text becomes the main character’s antagonist.

As with several of his other recent internet sensations, “SFW: Diesel XXX” and this other XXX joint for the BPA (feat. David Byrne & Dizzee Rascal), format becomes the concept itself.

Director: Keith Schofield
Production Company: El Nino
Executive Producer: Jules Dieng
Producer: Steve Buchanan
DP: Damian Acevedo
PD: Mike Beamer

Commisioner: Xavier De Nauw
Label: EMI Music

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Graphic Designer vs Client