Axis: Fable Legends

Introducing the latest game trailer for Microsoft’s Fable Legends, created by Axis Animation in Scotland. I highly recommend checking out the Axis portfolio and enjoying some more of their amazing trailers and shorts.

Client: Lionhead Studios
Publisher: Microsoft Studios
Production Company: Axis Animation
Executive Producer: Richard Scott
Director: Ben Hibon
Producer: Paula Lacerda
Music/Sound Design: Savalas

Posted on Motionographer

Blur: “DC Universe”

This amazing 5 minute CG trailer for the upcoming “DC Universe Online” video-game almost slipped past our radars.

Brought to life by Blur Studio, it features Poison Ivy, Wonder Woman, Metallo, The Green Lantern, Giganta, Black Adam, Batman, The Flash, Cyborg, Lex Luthor, Deathstroke, Artemis, The Joker, Harley Queen, Superman and Brainiac (…phew!) all together, epically battling it out on a post-apocalyptic Earth.

With pure balls to the wall awesomeness including Superman with red eyes; it just doesn’t get more badass than this! If only DC could make their features as good as their game trailers…

Posted on Motionographer

“Blood Trail” (Updated with interview and making-of)

Warning: Extreme gore and violence. Content may not be suitable for all audiences.

Nathan Love’s latest masterwork, “Blood Trail,” is a neo-renaissance for the studio, a breakthrough as they launch into game and film territory.

“Blood Trail” unfolds mysteriously. Its subtle storyline is boosted by bloody, body-ripping visuals that are fervently executed as Nathan dives into uncomfortable CG guts territory. Consequently, this animation is gorrific, ultra violent, horror-themed, over the top CG storytelling in all its glorious might.


Nathan Love graciously chatted with us about this project, sharing their process imagery and delving deep into the details. Check it out.

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Psyop’s Inferno

“The Divine Comedy,” written by Dante Alighieri in the 14th century, is an allegorical vision of the christian afterlife, depicting a journey through the three realms of the dead. This is a big story.

So, as modern, classy people, we remake it into a video game.


With Psyop at the helm, EA’s “Dante’s Inferno” game trailer captured the imagination of the 13 year old boy inside of me (note to audience: I am not a boy). Knowing that fact says something about the impression this trailer has on someone that loves the original story, but hates video games.

“Inferno” is distinguishably different from most game trailers. Psyop’s spin takes us to an organic place that the 3D game trailer genre has seldom gone before. It’s got the elements of being a cheese-ball 3D showpiece: a glow-y woman, a beefed up man in armor grunting.

But “Inferno” could care less about being a glossy 3D trailer, and more about rendering Hell with all its might—slovenly liquefied flames, orifice-shaped monstrosities tearing through the blurry mess of a rotting flesh landscape. It’s poetic and sick. We’re in hell, and I love it.

Read our interview with the creators at Psyop behind “Dante’s Inferno” game trailer.

UPDATE: Psyop has graciously shared their storyboards and some concept development imagery with us.

Posted on Motionographer

Psyop’s Inferno