
Adam Kimmel’s lookbook for Fall / Winter 2009 puts Factory alum Gerard Malanga behind the lens to recreate Warhol’s famously awkward screentests from so many decades ago. Stacked from top to bottom with familiar and talented faces, all methods of artistic expression get screentime as Kunle Martins, Matthew Barney, Francesco Clemente, and Glenn O’Brien – to name a few – sit on the hot seat in heavily shadowed awkwardness. Oh yeah, and the clothes are pretty awesome too. Check em out HERE.

A New City Plan for NYC.


Madelon Vriesendorp – wife to Rem Koolhaus and co-founder of the Office of Metropolitan Architecture – came up with these totally feasible recontextualizations of New York City. 







Blood of Two: Matthew Barney Elizabeth Peyton.


To celebrate the opening of Deste Foundation’s new location on the Greek island of Hydra, Matthew Barney and Elizabeth Peyton will be kickin around in an abandonded slaughterhouse turned gallery to present a top secret “site specific installation.. that will be realized together on site and exhibited afterwards as one work.” Don’t know what that means, but from the looks of the ONE picture that is out on the internetz it COULD be the exhumation of a Peyton-Eminem portrait from it’s hundred year underwater grave with Indiana Jones played by, none other than, Matthew Barney. That’s our guess at least. By the time you read this more photos should be HERE.

Polish Art to Terrify Children With.


We couldn’t find out much about polish (or dutch?) artist Justyna Koeke. From what we could gather: basically, an art piece is installed at a gallery and Justyna has these two day glo muscled goons run in mid opening to destroy everything. We think that’s what is happening.artkarlsruhe6

Click here to view the embedded video.

Peter Saville Ben Kelly: The Apartment.


Peter Saville’s 90s era “garçonniere” is like cocaine for the eyeballs. All terrifying minimalism, pale colours, and plush, satin, 3d letters seeping from the walls – AHHHHHHHHH. We want to live here forever!!!!

“An enigmatic figure in the design world, Art Director Peter Saville asked friend and collaborator Ben Kelly to turn a seventies-chic Mayfair apartment into a suitably ambiguous live/work/gallery space, 
using minimal intervention. Boasting an original Verner Panton floor-to-ceiling light fixture, acres of smoked glass, tinted mirrors and high-gloss finishes, BKD added accents with bright green paint, creamy carpets, select artworks and dramatic lighting. A soft-sculpture telephone number rendered in pink satin, a startled mannequin and the occasional paint explosion, provided further layers of spontaneity within an otherwise super-cool interior.” – from








Ladyhawk Makes Perfect Soundtrack For Wearing Black All Summer Long.


We don’t usually post up mixes at WMIG unless they are our own; BUT – with that being said – these 2 mixes became exception worthy as soon as the syrupy helicopters flew in at the top of the tape. The FADER folks sent this over from the Ladyhawke blog and we had instant flashbacks of last summer on the oaky yacht decks of Vancouver after late mornings at the Gorgomish. Download them here.

Kati Heck.


Antwerp-based artist Kati Heck’s porn meets renaissance mosaic collage has been a recent inspiration in WMIG land. Her work expresses a complex visual narrative through photorealism and roughly illustrated images all smooshed into a massive single image that falls just short of making sense. Check out more after the jump.






KL Makes Downtempo Tapas Video.


We strive daily at WMIG to take our Karl Lagerfeld obsession to great new heights. At times this even involves pointing a gun at an unpaid intern to make sure Karl gets googled all day and night. So when this accessory video slipped through our fingertips and onto a million other blogs before it came to our attention we felt like failures. To us, KL is the only bro who can string together jewelry, models, and headpieces into a dialogue-less music video for some downtempo tapas lounge singer and have us be like: “You’re sick, Karl! You’re sick!”

Click here to view the embedded video.

Looking at Music: Side 2.


70’s NYC is soooooooo hot right now! MOMA rolls out part 2 of it’s uber popular Looking at Music series to celebrate the return of plummeting rents and dwindling subway service. The primary focus is on the good parts of economic scariness and the crack addled shitstorm that was the remaining 70% of the story is largely ignored. But the good is GOOD. Jean Michel Basquait and Patti Smith doodle together on Public Access Cable while familiar characters like The Mudd Club, Blondie and Sonic Youth brush up alongside lesser known pieces like Bob Gruen’s film “New York Death Cult”. Overall it’s a very impressively detailed exhibition and the whole thing kicks off on June 10th. Paper bags, flasks, and a proper mugging should all be included in the price of admission.



Temp is an Italian based design studio that’s doing something we can comfortably call “killing it”. Click the pic to check out a self-project of their’s based on Jefferson Airplane’s “I just discovered weed” anthem “White Rabbit”.
