Frame Cycler in ATI Machines


I use ATI 1950 series card but am unable to use framecycler is there any option to make framecycler work on ati machines or should i discard the ati card and invest in Nvidia cards

Please advice.

Thanks in Advance

[HELP!] Working With FBX import and Export

it’s me again 🙂 thanks for giving me tip about , "how to export 3D max camera into Fusion"

I understand You guys export them using FBX, files, well I was able to export it, but I couldn’t really understand how it really works with fusion,

even though i was able to import it.

this is what i want to do,

let say I have

This image

and I want the camera to look like this

how can i do this in fusion ?? by exporting max camera files??

The reason I need this method is because i really have lot large scene, and I want to same time using jsut one image , have same camera shake,

once again thanks for taking time to read this 🙂

i have post the still file,avi file with max file, in gigasize, so you guys can take a look at it 🙂

How can you use 3Dmax camera in Fusion??

I am Begainner in Fusion,
i got really lot good answer from the last question i wrote, and I really want to thank you guys for helping me out,

but again , I have question,
I am trying to get same camera movement I did in Max in the fusion,

I read some post, and I heard that there is way to export the max camera in to fusion,

But i couldn’t really find clear answer,

Can anyone help me out??

thanks for taking time to read my post 🙂

When to Color Correct?

Do you do your color correction before or after you do your compositing?

Movies using Autodesk Toxik

I was just curious what movies has Autodesk Toxik been used in? We should have a Permanent thread for movies that use certian softwares.

When will CG stop getting better?

(people always ask when Olympics records will stop improving, I wonder why they never ask this one?)

Human/sentient emotions are really hard, but when will Hollywood be able to do anything besides that, indistinguishable from reality? Also, they need to use people with more spatial intelligence, they’re great at rendering and sound but their camera paths, pfft, I could do better. Really, it took you until 2001 just to do the Pearl Harbor bomb?

object tracking rotating objects

How are you guys dealing with tracking objects that have a lot of rotation? Most of the tracking points I would use to help the solver see that there’s rotation, get obscured through the shot. Is there a way to only track a point half way and still be able to translate it over to a mesh?

I’m using Syntheyes.

Fluid driven particles?


Right now i’ve got a 3DSMax challenge were i want to see some gas/air being realistically sucked in a complex mesh (path following is not an option)and react to collision with housing, proppellers and so on.
I tried to achieve that effect with the help of Fumefx (to get fluid like motion, that is really important and volume rendering (easier than motion blurred particle against transparent housing) and thinking particles, but unfortunatly it seems that i cannot control voxels pressure outside/inside my mesh even with maxscript :'(. I’m not able to directly drive my particles with fume inside the mesh because instead of following velocities (wich in my sim are correct) it follows fire or smode densities.
Is there someone here that could give me a direction to drive my particles in such a way without having to place an amazing number of different and approximate forces with decay inside my mesh?

The Proper Way to Film a Scene for Later Visual Effects

Hey everyone, I’m attempting to shoot my first feature with my own money and there’s a particularly tricky scene that I was trying to figure out how to shoot before actually shooting.
In the scene one of the characters has her lower jaw ripped off by a bear/fox trap. My method for shooting this was to have a prosthetic jaw placed over her real jaw which would be covered by a chroma key stocking. The prosthetic would be ripped off and the green would be chroma keyed out in post and replaced with gore. I have a few SVA students on board to help in post but I wanted to know if that’s the proper way to proceed.

Here is the original rough mockup I devised.

PFTrack preview problem

Hi, i dont know if this is the right place to post this, but recently i have been having a problem with PFTrack.

ive recently installed and started using the final build of Windows 7 x64, and i got the necessary updates from Microsoft (i.e. it found the latest driver for my grachics card). and installed the only codec which the video footage i made previously with and worked/read well in the program.

however, i found it incredibly strange that when i reopened my project here, the video loads yes, but when i move the cursor on the timeline, the video doesnt seem to be moving at all, and stuck only at the first current frame. I initially thought that it was only that video clip that wasnt working as it couldnt identify the codec properly when importing footage, thus i looked around my hard drive and found a recognizable DV AVI, and even to my suprised that didnt work either.

all options are on default, and even when wanting to track, the mask itself only moves but not the video at all. This is really worrying me, i have reinstalled, repaired, removed and install etc. and i still get the same thing.

Has anyone experience this kind of problem with PFTrack at all? i am not sure what else i need to do here 🙁