Fluid driven particles?


Right now i’ve got a 3DSMax challenge were i want to see some gas/air being realistically sucked in a complex mesh (path following is not an option)and react to collision with housing, proppellers and so on.
I tried to achieve that effect with the help of Fumefx (to get fluid like motion, that is really important and volume rendering (easier than motion blurred particle against transparent housing) and thinking particles, but unfortunatly it seems that i cannot control voxels pressure outside/inside my mesh even with maxscript :'(. I’m not able to directly drive my particles with fume inside the mesh because instead of following velocities (wich in my sim are correct) it follows fire or smode densities.
Is there someone here that could give me a direction to drive my particles in such a way without having to place an amazing number of different and approximate forces with decay inside my mesh?

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