Controllers and Software

Hey people,

I wanted to start to get into editing… I am mainly a lighting and DP guy. I was pricing a workstation to get started and I was looking for something PC based with a controller (so I can have a pseudo-lustre setup) . I want to focus on Color Correction and finishing mainly. I stumbled across a program called Scratch which can be used with Tangent Devices Wave controller. The only other color controllers I have seen only work with Mac by Euphonix.

Also the only price I have seen from Assimilate is about 11k for the Rocket Fuel package which has a video card, the Quadro FX 3800 included which I don’t need, and the RED Rocket, which is interesting, and I will look into, but also not on my top priority list. Other prices I have seen for just the software is around 45k which doesn’t make much sense to me… Does anyone know how much just the software costs?

I was thinking of having Avid for editing Nuke for Composite work Scratch for CC and Maya and the Adobe package as well… My GF is a graphics designer and I wanted to have something we can both work on.

Stereoscopic on a Reel

I’ve been working on a side project to learn stereoscopic composition, and I got to thinking; what would be the best way to show that a shot is stereoscopic on your reel? Does anyone have any 3d shots on their reel?

This shot isn’t going to get put on my reel, but maybe my next one might be.

Footage Proxies

How often do you use footage proxies? Also, what settings do you usually use/recommend? I’m working on a shot right now and I think I’m going to have to use one because my script is chugging quite a bit more than usual when I scroll through the timeline.

VFX Artist Rates


I got offered a job today doing green screen work and compositing in After Effects and I am not sure what to put as my rates. I have a little experience (Only one other paid job, the rest were experience only). If you guys could give me an idea of were to start I would appreciate it.

paint and clean-up

i want to learn paint,clean-up and wire-removal…….can anyone guide me about this………plz

Shooting checklist

Hi guys,

I’m collaborating on a short film in which I’m in charge of the visual effects. The film is set in a world where time has simply stopped so objects that were moving in the air when time stopped will still be there now, similar to Carousel. I’ll be composting 3D objects (which must look realistic) over the live footage. The whole film will be shot handheld (with a steadicam) so I’ll also need to matchmove the shots that will have ‘floating’ objects in them.

Shooting will commence soon so I’m hoping to get some tips about what information I need to gather whilst on set for the shots requiring vfx.

I have in mind:

measurements of the area/objects
distance between tracking markers (if any)
camera information and lens details for the shot
plenty of photos for reference
chrome and gray ball for lighting/reflection reference

Is there anything I should add?

Do people generally use HDRI probes for lighting?

I would just like to hear from people as to how they would approach this as this is my first time in this position.


Best particle generator plugin/program for compositing?

What do you think is the best particle generator plugin or program that already includes one. Also what do you think is the best work flow for composting smoke into footage. Would it be better to motion track in a 3d package like 3ds or Maya or would it be better to all the smoke in the composting program?

I’m trying to shoot this small war film and I’ve been watching alot of war footage on youtube and the thing you really see most in war is tons and tons of smoke and dust so I’m trying to do the same with my picture. Any advice about how to achieve this outside of my specific questions above is also welcome.

Importing Maya Camera into Fusion- help…

hi vfxtalkers

I’m working on a composite involving live action footage and 3D Imagery:).. I would like to import my camera from Maya into Fusion:cool:..I tried doing it..I created a camera 3D node and used the import camera option.. then opened the .FBX file exported from Maya…But nothing happens:mad:..I read on some other post that i have to bake the camera animation:happydevi..I did that ..still i don’t see any camera animation in fusion.. What is the exact procedure to do it ? pls help.. :(:confused:

Crowd simulation

hello friends,
I need to create an army can anyone tell how to do that?which software is best used for this. Tutorials,articles anything will be helpful.


miss fast skin shader problem !!!!

Dear friends,
Can you please tell me about, how to apply a better skin shader in maya . The out door environment i created with physical sky. miss fast skin shader is not performing well with physical sky. Usually am using DT3d skin shader plugin. With SW render this plugin is working well.But i failed to load that plugin in MR. If any chance to get it correct ?

When rendering, the output is showing a plane skin color with miss fast skin shader. How to make it as a real skin ?

please help me friends !!!!