Separating interviewee from static background

I have several filmed interviews made with a locked-off camera and need to separate the interviewee (foreground) from the background, so that I can reduce background levels, defocus, etc. I’ve done this laboriously for some shots using a combination of roto, luma keying and even chroma keying, i.e.…ip-camera.aspx
but I’m wondering whether I’m missing a more obvious and less laborious way.

The interviewee is nearly always moving to some degree, and I’ve wondered whether difference matting would be an idea (I’ve tried basic difference matting, and it didn’t seem to work that great).


round tracker to nearest integer

i guess thats what i get for jumping back and forth between programs, but ive forgotten how to round off a shake tracker within whole numbers..

im sure its simple but it evades me at the moment.

Roto masking issue

Hi all,

Im gonna start with showing what I’ve achieved succesfully so far and then I’ll explain my problem.

As you can see I’ve made a rotoshape that covers the DJ and I’ve put scrolling text in it.

This I have done the following way.

Voorbereiding2_57 is the footage, groep 2 the rotoshape and SFileIn1 a psd with the text that makes a left to right move.

So far so good.

However, the next shot I have 2 DJ’s at the same time. I’ve rotoshaped them both and put the 2 shapes in 2 different groups. I now want to put some yellow on blue text in one DJ and some blue on yellow text in the other DJ. They both are in the same shot and at some point they overlap so at some moment there is a forgroundDJ and a backgroundDJ.
I’ve uploaded a screenshot of how I’ve laid it out for now

Anyone who could provide me with some insight as I’m quite new to Shake. If you need more info just ask and I’ll try to explain what I want to achieve a bit better.

Tnx in advance,


ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty and shake 4.1

Anyone got this working?

I’ve tried with importing libX11* into shake/lib etc. but no go, i just get segfault.
I’ve succeeded by preloading the _entire_ OpenSuse11.1 32bit /usr/lib dir which I mounted but that doesn’t seem to be an elegant solution since that lib dir is 1gb and I intend to wipe the suse partition..

I can pastebin my strace output if anyone thinks they can make something out of it, thanks.

Depth slice keyer, how does it work?

I just tried to do a luma key which works like the depth slice keyer but I’m too tired too think. Instead I just did some reordering and use the depth slice key to get the result. So here’s the thing I want to know how to recreate (without the depth slice node):

SetAlpha1 = SetAlpha(0, 1);
ColorSpace2 = ColorSpace(SetAlpha1, "rgb", "yuv", 0.3, 0.59,
Reorder2 = Reorder(ColorSpace2, "nnnnr");
Copy2 = Copy(Reorder2, SetAlpha1, 1, "rgba", 0);
DepthSlice1 = DepthSlice(Copy2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1);

// User Interface settings

"nodeView.ColorSpace2.t", "0",
"nodeView.ColorSpace2.x", "1011.45532",
"nodeView.ColorSpace2.y", "372.1047",
"nodeView.Copy2.t", "0",
"nodeView.Copy2.x", "969.5603",
"nodeView.Copy2.y", "195.832474",
"nodeView.DepthSlice1.t", "0",
"nodeView.DepthSlice1.x", "954.340332",
"nodeView.DepthSlice1.y", "106.6597",
"nodeView.Reorder2.t", "0",
"nodeView.Reorder2.x", "1045.136",
"nodeView.Reorder2.y", "299.764374",
"nodeView.SetAlpha1.t", "0",
"nodeView.SetAlpha1.x", "874",
"nodeView.SetAlpha1.y", "481"

I don’t need this kind of key at the moment, I just want to know how it works 🙂
Connect a Ramp or some footage to the SetAlpha node

Window node default parameter, can’t get it to work…

In the nreal.h file I once changed the behaviour of the Window node:

image Window(image, int left = (width-xRes)/2, int bottom = (height-yRes)/2, int right = width, int top = height);

So that it is scripted to work towards the center of the image.
However, I did so much changes in my nreal.h file that shake got messy, since then I now use original nreal.h and nrui.h files but with a lot of .h files in my /$HOME/nreal folder.

But I cannot get this thing to work. I’ve tried to put this in the startup folder:

extern "C" {
image Window(image, int left = (width-xRes)/2, int bottom = (height-yRes)/2, int right = width, int top = height);

Please help.

who need the free Keylight tinder and Furnace for shake4?

i have everything, if u work in motreal and interesting the shake4 .
add me in
everything is free. i just want to share my library with my friends.

who can teach me how to make a new mocro?

i want to make a mocro name is GLOW .and i use "blur"and"brightness" ,and use "screen"to connect them,but idont know why ,i can see golw effact……so sad.just original image .
i just follow the book "apple pro training series:shake 4".step by step .
what is my mistake ?
think u very much !!

Automatic Slap Comp

Hey guys,
We’re currently working on a TV show with CG characters and live action plates. I was wondering how we can make the slap-comp process automated.
for example, When the lighting department is done, we just want to see quick slap comps of the characters on top of the plates (A over B) before compers actually start working on the shots.
Is it possible to write a quick script to grab all the files from folder "A" and put it over all the files from folder "B" and write out a new sequence under folder "C"?
thanks in advance…

Is it possible to make a node pipe out text to .shk script

I want to have a node that does this:

echo "Some text here" >> theCurrentShakeScript.shk

When opening the shake script the last lines should look like this:


    "vDesk.0.xliderValue", "0",
    "vDesk.0.y", "0",
    "vDesk.0.yPan", "-454",
    "vDesk.0.zoom", "1.53427172",
    "vDesk.viewers", "1"

// Some text here

Or even better, if the above is possible, I’d like the "Some text here" to be created in the first line of the .shk file