Stardust: Adidas/NBA

Stardust just finished a two spot campaign for Adidas/NBA. The brief was to create a unique, stylistic journey using the thoughts of Dwight Howard and Derek Rose. The Agency, 180 LA, asked Stardust to explore any and all options to bring it to life, and to consider multiple illustration styles to find the one that […]

Smith & Foulkes: Honda Jazz

Nexus Productions and their directing duo Smith & Foulkes, directors of the ground breaking Honda Grrr, have returned to Honda, creating another piece of animation fantasy for Wieden + Kennedy and the new Honda Jazz. ‘This Unpredictable Life’, cleverly playing out the central premise of the ad, that life is an unknowable journey. Ben […]

UFO: VIVA Featuring and Wecker titles

UFO have just finished work on two ident packages for VIVA Germany. The director team started work developing ideas for the two concepts in early October 2010. Starting with the ident package and title sequence for WECKER, a morning music show, using a mix of 3D animation, Stock footage and Stop Motion animation techniques shot […]

Not To Scale: Ubik ~ Saga

Not to Scale directors Ubik created these three 30: stop motion commercials for SAGA. The three commercials promote SAGA cruises, holidays and car Insurance.
The directors created all the photographs. Actors, sets and 3D items were shot by Ollie Downie, using a Canon 5D. A production line was then set up to composite the elements using […]

The Art of Drowning

The Art of Drowning by Diego Maclean, is equal parts awesome animation and awesome story.

double g studios: T4 idents

London based double g studios won a competitive pitch to direct and animate 20 energetic idents for Channel 4’s T4. The personality of each robot was enhanced through costume design, choreography and their relationship with the new 3d logos. Here’s a mash up from the 20.

Sebastian Baptista: I’m Gonna Make It Better

London based animator Sebastian Baptista starts off the new year with this short animation collaborating with Climent Canal … “Whatever you do, always try to be the best you can be. Spread the word and good luck.” Nice work.

The Epic Doc

“The Epic Doc” is a short advert directed by Varathit Uthaisri (aka “Tu”), a filmaker currently working with Google Creative Lab in NYC. A few months ago, Tu and the team at Google Creative Lab helped the launch of the Google “DemoSlam” website ( where people can submit videos, demonstrating the use of Google’s products in creative ways. “The Epic Doc” is one of these explorations.

In essence, “The Epic Doc” is simply 450 pages of Google doc pages, captured as a slide show. It’s also a bootleg style animation through the land of institutional pie charts and bar graphs disguised as simple and cool illustrations. (Check out this awesome google doc animation the team created early in the process).

Reaching over a half million hits in less than a weak, “The Epic Doc” is a reminder that with a good idea and a load of imagination, anything’s possible.

Keep an eye out for more of the DemoSlam campaign. Also check out our interview with Tu, here.

Posted on Motionographer

Buck: Against Dumb

Buck‘s back again for Smart Car’s campaign, Against Dumb. It’s the eco-friendly-car idea explored in quite a particular way; a retro colour pallette, mixed with a precise sense of timing and narrative transitions, adds up to a solid piece of classic Buck.

Creative Director Orion Tait kindly shared some words about the project with Motionographer:

“Our pals over at Strawberry Frog approached us with a great little script, an open animation brief and a pretty tight schedule. We’ve done a couple projects with them recently, and they loved the piece we did for Waiting for Superman. Striking the right balance of tone was important; If taken too seriously or too flippantly, we ran the risk of alienating viewers and accentuating the potential hypocrisy in a message like this. So the direction was to have fun with it, to be anthemic without being preachy. As always, music and sound design help quite a bit in this regard, and as always Antfood totally nailed it.”

Director: Buck
Creative Director: Orion Tait
Executive Producer: Anne Skopas
Producer: Kitty Dillard
Design: Gareth O’Brien / Yker Moreno
Lead Animation: Gareth O’Brien
Additional Animation: Harry Teitelman / Chad Colby / Claudio Salas /Jacques Khouri

Sound Design & Music: Antfood
VO Talent: Tirtzah Wilson

Agency: Strawberry Frog

Posted on Motionographer

Playgrounds Festival 2010

Playgrounds describes itself as a festival for innovative and creative digital art. During the two-day festival in Tilburg, Playgrounds presents an impression of the latest developments in technology as well as creativity. The festival program offers an inspiring mix of inventive films, documentaries, animation, graphic design, artist talks, character design and performances.

Playgrounds was a joy and surely measures up to the big festivals in the world. Allthough the festival is held in a small town called Tilburg (South of The Netherlands) it’s speakers reflex bigness. From big directors like Pierre Coffin (Despicable Me) and Rex Crowle (Little Big Planet) to powerhouses like Mini Vegas and Zeitguised. Furthermore there were Nexus, The Blackheart Gang, Shy the Sun, David Wilson, our own Matt Lambert, Champagne Valentine, Radical Friend and BIF to complete it.
It was nice to see every speaker had their own style, their own story of success and their own piece of advice. The motto seemed to be, stay true to yourself, explore and make what YOU want!

I especially liked the Talkshow between Fons Schiedon and David O’Reilly, what was meant to be a talk about inspiration, became a showdown of truly bizarre and sick works from all over the world. Movie clips, snippets of porn and pieces of animation were all wrapped into a humorous, often awkward, dialogue between Fons and David. The Art of ‘Wrongness’!

This years’ titles came out of the sick mind of animator/director/designer Fons Schiedon. With Post Panic on the production it turned out to be on of the most creative festival titles ever made.  Wether you like it or not, they are a definitely a fresh, new approach. No slick 3D, no heavy sound design, skilled typography or layers and layers of post. It looks like a surreal movie, a part of a series you’ve missed. Fons cleverly hid the titles in the dialogue of the film.


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