Mac ‘N’ Cheese: Trailer

Inspired by Team Fortress 2 and Meet Buck, Mac ‘n’ Cheese is an animated short directed and created by four students at the Utrecht School of Arts in the Netherlands. This roughly two minute animation took about five months to make, and about a bajillion peanut butter sandwiches.
Synopsis: When you find yourself running scared and […]

Rogier van der Zwaag: Nobody Beats the Drum

Rogier van der Zwaag directed this amazing stop motion music video for Nobody Beats the Drum’s track Poisson Vert. “We made this one in a forest, shot most of it in 7 (long) nights and after that I made some inserts of tunnels and bushes in a studio.” Really love the dynamic play of […]

Giovanni Bucci: New updates

Giovanni Bucci updated with his work for Prologue Films — Motion graphic design for the end titles and studio logos, including animation and editing for these end titles and studio logos for Warner Bros’ The Losers.
End Titles:

You can see Giovanni’s Logo animations here.

Resonance: full video on vimeo

Resonance uploaded a full video of the film on vimeo. Resonance is the vision of SR Partners; a collaborative project with over 30 independent visual and audio designers/studios. The aim was to explore the relationship between geometry and audio in unique ways.
SEE || Displace Studios and MoveMakeShake | Esteban Diacono | Heerko Groefsema | […]

Brand New School: Mitchum

BNS just wrapped this first :30 spot entitled “Lie,” and two more to follow over the weeks ahead, all for advertising agency Mother New York as part of its new “Love Thy Pits” campaign for Mitchum. Together with director of photography Eric Treml, Jonathan and the BNS team used the ARRI Alexa digital camera system […]

Chopsy, Diana Tansey, Echolab and Tobias Norberg: MS – You’re Fired!

Director ‘Chopsy‘ (Darren Robbie of Aardman Animation) assembled a creative team to help raise awareness for MS week in the UK to produce MS – You’re Fired!. The team included Diana Tansey (copywriter) & Echolab (music & sound design) working with Tobias Norberg (composer). For further information and to help Put MS on the […]

Polynoid: Loom

Germany based Polynoid, who are also taking part in the Resonance project listed below, have recently launched their latest short film Loom, and absolutely beautiful, dark and almost tactile visual story of struggle; A moth being caught in a spiders web. Struggling for an escape, the moths panic movements only result in less chance of […]

Resonance Teaser 3 | Calm

Damn this is looking good; Resonance Teaser 3 | Calm —- Here is a teaser featuring one second from each final animation as a taste of whats to come at OFFF; –Premiering OFFF Barcelona, June
SEE || Displace Studios | Esteban Diacono | Heerko Groefsema | Jean-Paul Frenay | Jr.canest | KORB | Kultnation […]

Tim Borgmann

Oggi vi presentiamo l’ottimo lavoro di Tim Borgmann, freelance tedesco specializzato in animazione 3d dal 1997.
In particolare vi mostriamo uno degli ultimi lavori svolti del quale è presente da pochi giorni anche il making of. Quello che ci ha colpito di più dei lavori di Tim Borgmann è la qualità e l’assoluta padronanza di tecniche per l’animazione particellare 3d […]

Gmunk Returns

I still remember the first time I saw Bradley (GMUNK) Munkowitz’s experimental short, “Finn.” It was in 2002, and I was working as a web designer for the University of Texas, crammed into a dim corner of a room with brown carpeted walls and humming fluorescent lights.

Seeing that film was an important moment in my career. Along with a handful of other groundbreaking works, it sparked an interest in motion design that has sustained me to the current day.

Now, with the (long overdue) relaunch of Gmunk’s site, “Finn” is online, along with 10 years worth of other work. There’s also some great new Tron making-of action in the mix. It’s simultaneously a trip down memory lane and a look into the future.

I should also mention that David Lewandowski mounted a relaunch, too (Quickied). More Tron goodness there, as well as a bucketful of inspiring work.

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