1. Go to work on the footage directly with Color F.
2. Make a jpeg sequence of the footage and then apply the Color finesse plugin onto it.
3 It does’nt matter.
I met this situation once before, and finally I need to re-install my hard disk. my boss get mad at me…..
so please do help me…please..
I found that, every time if I open a file that is very messy, like the link of the file between psd … this problem might come out…
here is the screen cap of the warming.. I try to following the path.. however after /Common, there has no “/dynamiclink” thing..

I was wondering if anyone could help me with some text animation scripting.
I basically want to animate a clock going from 00.00 to 00.00 again 24 hours later and be able to adjust over how many frames this will happen.
Also I would like to animate something like rpm so a standard counter from say 1000 to 3500 over a number of frames.
Is this possible somehow?
Video Co-pilot?
Posted in: Adobe After EffectsI have a lot of free-time on my hands and a great desire to learn. I also have a Bachelor of Fine Arts in New Media and have worked with 3D, basic compositing, graphic design, blah blah blah throughout my program. I am graduated now, but don’t feel I have a whole lot of “specialization”… more just a broad knowledge of a lot of things. Unfortunately, this does not help me get a job in something specialized like compositing.
I just wanted your guys’ opinion on Video Co-pilot tutorials. I know not to include tutorials footage necessarily in a demo reel but… are these tutorials good to take me from “Basic Knowledge” to “Pretty Good Understanding” after going through them all? I read a lot of positive/negative things on Video Copilot here so…
Thanks for any feedback on how you feel about it, or any other suggestions of free tutorials. (I’ve already spent $25k on a degree, free is nice).
Rotoscope, Paint Masking?
Posted in: Adobe After EffectsLast question of the day, promise.
So I have 2 videos that I filmed separately for my project. One is of just the background video with no movement, and one is of my hand holding an object and moving it around slowly. What I need to accomplish, is to mask the movement video with my hand over the background video, so that effects on the background can still be seen where my hand and the object are not.
My natural train of thought is to rotoscope / mask the movement video and just outline the object / my hand in every frame.
Is there a way to do this easily without having to use the pen tool and do it frame by frame, thus causing jitters? The object is not moving very quickly, so I am considering masking with Paint inside AE.
Is that the easiest route? (I don’t have combustion, only AE and Nuke PLE)
(Sorry if this is a newbie rotoscoping question…)
CC Rain to go up?
Posted in: Adobe After EffectsI’m using the CC Rain effect for part of a hologram-like effect, but I’d like to get the rain to fall upwards, instead of downwards like normal rain.
I have the effect on an adjustment layer and have tried to time-reverse the layer, but it simply makes the rain effect disappear entirely.
There an easy way to make the rain effect play in reverse and flow upwards instead of down?
Basic AE Question
Posted in: Adobe After EffectsI have a color correction / levels effect on my background scene. I am then going to mask / rotoscope a scene over top of that (content not important).
I had found a good mix of effects to create what I want on the entire background scene, but I only want one of the effects to be in a certain spot (a spherical shape)… is there a way to have a Glow effect only affect a certain part of the scene?
This tutorial is a great way to jumpstart your rotoscoping skills. If you own CS5, then this tutorial is for you. Enjoy
I have exported a camera solve from boujou as a After effects/maya ma file.
My problem is that the camera imports fine, but all my flagged for export nulls are not showing up in the scene!!!
Has anybody had this issue? Ive ofcourse tried to export the solve out a billion time with different scale settings and have also tried to export all the tracking point and not just the flagged ones?
Surfing around different forums, some say I need a plugin, but I do not have that? Is it true and if so does anybody know where I can find that plugin, as the ones Ive been looking for the link to 2d3 doesnt excist anymore?
I am using Boujou 5.02 and After Effects 5.5