Troubleshooting Green/Blue Screen Setup – Follow Up

Hey folks,

This is part two of my keying thread, continued from my last post found here:…ps-t27932.html

The good news is after many attempts, I was able to position my lights to obtain an evenly lit screen, which was confirmed by the Zebra Stripes settings of my camera.

However, the keying results are not great. I’ve tried changing the lighting setup, along with several different Iris settings. I seem to be getting this "webbing" effect on the inside edges aswell as around my fingers.

I’ve tried correcting this with software (smooth screen, edge feather, matte choke, etc), but nothing really seems to work.

I have attached an image to illustrate the issues I’m having on both Green and Blue screens:

As you can see I’m getting a pretty clean edge on the outside of my matte, but as the inside edges come together, that’s when they begin to give me issues.

I’ve tried both Primatte and Keylight, with the same results.

Any thoughts?

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