Interested in a VFX career

Hi guys,

I’m interested in learning more about VFX and possibly choosing this as a career path. However, at the moment, i honestly can’t say I know too much about the field in general and was hoping if anyone involved in the field would be kind enough to share some insights and advice.

I’m 28 years old, a graduate from johns hopkins university with a degree in computer science and used to work in the finance industry. but am thinking of pursuing a career in vfx at the moment… hopefully this is not too late? 🙂

Could someone point me to a few web sites where i can learn MORE about vfx in general… what this field encompasses. what a career in this industry is like… what skills sets are needed, as well as what schools are best and most reputable.

Q1. Is it really hard to get a job in this industry? How is the pay usually like? Obviously everyone’s goal is to be able to work in a prestigious firm working on hollywood movies. but how many actually are able to break into that sector.. or do most just end up working on small freelance projects for local commercial type stuff. what do the majority of the vfx people end up doing? movies? commercials? what else? or do majority of the people struggle to find a job and only the extrodinaryly talened ones end up working in movie production and have a decent salary.

Q2. can someone provide a few web site links where i can learn more about vfx? the skill sets needed, perhaps a youtube video on what vfx is about, what a career in vfx is like, some reels that shows the process of creating vfx. as well as what the course work is like at one of these top vfx schools? and how closely related is vfx to animation? and what are the difference between a career in animation vs a career in vfx?

Q3. What are some of the best schools in the united states in regards to vfx.. how many years are these programs… and what the job market is like for a person fresh out of these schools. how likely it is for someone ending up actually working on movies?

I really would love to investigate some more before i make my decision as to whether or not i should pursue this career path and enrolling in school.

ps. are there any other sites like this for vfx? are there any other vfx communities out there where i can talk to the people who are in the industry?

i know this is a lot of questions i’m asking, but if anyone could answer them or share your personal experience having worked in the industry or attended a school, i would really appreciate any inputs you provide.

thanks in advance,

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