ask the senior artist

IN an attempt to keep vfxtalk the most useful site for noobs and pros alike Id love to start a new thread in honor to scott’s MIGHTY "ask the junior artist" thread.

Over the years Ive been in the US, which is about 4 years now, I learned a lot about the film industry, politics of the hiring game, do’s and dont’s, etc. I won’t write down my worklife’s story (use the search function i wrote it somewhere I think) here to not double up scott’s thread but instead openly Invite our readers to ask questions about whats going in companies nowerdays, why you dont get replies from the 5 companies you email, why it seem all the work goes elsewhere and why aruna’s vfxwages is so important to all of us.

So shoot away! the audience is listening. PM me if you like, IM if you feel the need for a FAST reply.

– Andreas :niceone:

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