Y2k Family Survival Guide With Leonard Nimoy [1999] [VHSRIP]

Do you remember the Y2K hysteria of the late 90’s?
Leonard Nimoy does.

As government officials and computer programmers were thinking about what to do when the century changed and all digital dates would roll over to 00’s, the press made a big deal out of it. Some people got worried, as middle Americans are want to do, and bought up lots of canned food, water, batteries, and other things you would need in the case of the apocalypse…. or if power was out for a few days.

Contributing to the hysteria, and possibly profiting off of it, were so-called experts in emergency preparedness. A group of them got together and made this video, and somehow convinced Leonard Nimoy to host and narrate it. Apparently, he was available.

I found this at a local thrift store in a small-town for 2 dollars, and I had to explore my curiosity. It ended up being one of the better bargain videos I’ve found. This video is perpetrating fear with the nonchalance of an office safety training short. Nimoy calmly explains that a disaster might be coming as cheap graphics tell you “people will die.” With all the hindsight of knowing how uneventful January 1, 2000, was, you can have fun with this video. A few various “experts” are brought on, from an obscure congressman to a British military man who calls himself “the hand of man” or something cryptic like that. He gives some of the best extreme ideas, such as reusing water in many ways, and tells us that we must all “live like squirrels” in the case of an emergency. Well said.

It’s a hidden 90’s treasure to have at your next gathering, sipping some drinks and wondering how someone could legitimately market this video.

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