three.js r28

For the last few weeks I’ve been quite focused on developing the engine and I think the API is starting to get quite stable. I’m still unsure on what parts of the API need to be included in the actual build and what parts should just keep outside.

For instance, primitives is something you don’t want to have in the compiled .js file. If you need a Cube, Sphere, … I think it’s easier to have it in /js/geometry/primives/*. Otherwise we end up having a 100kbytes file just for drawing a bunch of particles. I really want to avoid that, right now it’s 60kbytes. But that includes all the renderers, if you’re only going to use CanvasRenderer, you can save 20-30kb by removing the SVGRenderer, WebGLRenderer, … logic. These scripts do that automatically.

Mr. AlteredQualia has been doing an awesome job with the WebGLRenderer these past weeks. If you have WebGL enabled, these 400k polys are waiting for you.

There is still quite a bit of work to do here and there, specially on the materials side (Mapping types, Blending, Gouraud, Phong… ) but it’ll all come in good time 🙂

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