MTV – Alongamento 6"

MTV/Viacom Brazil issued us a challenge: to create a set of super-brazilian IDs with high-impact visuals. The goal was to explore FIFA’s World Cup in an unbiased way, keeping it in line with their target audience. We chose to embrace reality and created, wrote and produced films about a World Cup that happens not only on TV or in stadiums, but also on the daily life of the ordinary brazilian citizen. Vivid colors, imperfections and little bit of chaos were the ingredients to build an aesthetic that could synthesize Brazilians’ everyday lives in its most true and universal form, without being too regional or falling into the common places of national culture depictions. A combination of live-action, rotoscopy, cel animation and motion graphics allowed us to achieve a final look able to give the piece all the fluidity and visual clutterness the narrative demanded. Hope you like it!

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